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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/15/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 8/15/2013)
Species Lamourouxia gutierrezii Oerst.
PlaceOfPublication Vidensk Meddel Dansk Naturhist. Foren. Kjobenhaun 1853: 29.
Note TYPE: Costa Rica, Oersted 9398 (C, not seen).
Synonym Lamourouxia scabra Benth. ex Seemann, Bot. Voy. Herald 177, pl. 33. 1854. SYNTYPES: Panama: Seemann (BM, not seen; photo MO); Boquete, Seemann (K, not seen).
Description Erect perennial herbs or shrubs, perhaps hemiparasitic on the roots of other plants, to 2 m tall, the stems slender, often woody below, drying dark, puberulent with short, weak, blackish, multicellular, rarely branched hairs; branching char- acterized by long wandlike stems and short lateral branches 5-15 cm long. Leaves opposite or verticillate, ovate, mostly 10-15 mm long, ca. 5 mm wide, elliptical or obovate, apically acute, basally cuneate, the margin dentate with ca. 5 rounded, callose and revolute margined teeth on each side, scabrous and shiny above, tomentose beneath with longer, stouter hairs on the veins, the venation pinnate with ca. 5 lateral veins on each side, impressed above, elevated beneath; petiole to 2 mm long, canaliculate, pilose beneath. Inflorescences terminal racemes, the flowers congested or well spaced; pedicels tomentose, ca. 5 mm long, subtended by a small foliaceous bract. Flowers with the calyx cupular, 7-9 mm long, 4-lobed, the lobes obtuse or deltoid, ca. 3 mm long, tomentulose outside, glabrate within, 10-nerved; corolla red or orange, 2.5-4 cm long, tubular, tomentulose outside with branched hairs, more so upwards, 2-lipped, the lips ca. 12 mm long, apically recurved, the upper lip glabrate within except at the apex, the lower lip long pilose in the upper 2/3, bearded at the level of stamen insertion, stamens 2, the filaments inserted low on the lower side of the tube, bearded at point of insertion, otherwise glabrous, the anthers connivent, positioned against the upper lip and barely exserted, U-shaped with pointed auricles, long pilose, 2-thecate, 3-4 mm long; staminodes 2, inserted low on the upper side, the
Habit herbs or shrubs
Description filaments slender, terminating in tufts of hair or rarely in rudimentary anthers, situated about ?/2 way up the corolla; ovary and the style glabrous, the stigma punctate, slightly immersed in stylar tissue. Capsule ovoid, black, ca. 10 mm long, 7-8 mm wide, loculicidally dehiscent, the valves short beaked; seeds stramineous, oblong, 1.5 mm long, pitted reticulate, numerous.
Distribution known only from the uplands of Panama and Costa Rica.
Note Its leaves are generally smaller and more numerous than those of the other Panamanian species, L. viscosa.
Specimen CHIRIQUI: Paso Ancho to Monte Lirio, upper valley of Rio Chiriqui Viejo, 1500-2000 m, Allen 1496 (MO, NY). W slopes of S flank of Cerro Horqueta, 1640 m, Cochrane et al. 6255 (MO). El Baru' above Boquete, 1200-1800 m, D'Arcy 9233, 9935 (both MO). 3 km NE of El Hato del Volcan, 1800 m, Davidse & D'Arcy 10414 (MO). Bajo Mono, 4500 ft, Davidson 475 (MO). Valley of Rio Chiriqui Viejo N of Volcan City, 5200-5600 ft, Duke 9028 (MO, OS). From Boquete to 3 mi N, 3300-4200 ft, Lewis et al. 398 (MO). Rio Caldera beyond Bajo Mono ca. 4 mi NW of Boquete, 4200 ft, Wilbur et al. 13526 (DUKE, MO, PMA). Bajo Quiel ca. 4 mi NW of Boquete, 1350 m, Wilbur et al. 15506 (DUKE, MO, PMA). Rio Caldera ca. 3 km beyond Bajo Mono, ca. 4 mi NW of Boquete, 1500 m, Wilbur & Luteyn 19199 (DUKE).
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