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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/15/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 8/15/2013)
Species Lamourouxia viscosa Kunth
PlaceOfPublication Nov. Gen. 2, ed. folio 272. 1817.
Note TYPE: Mexico, Humboldt & Bonpland (P-H.B.K. & P, fide Ernst 1972, neither seen)
Description Erect herbs or shrubs to 2(3) m tall; sometimes unbranched, the branches and stems slender, scurfy tomentulose with greyish indumentum, the hairs weak, blackish, several celled, sometimes branched; stems mostly terete. Leaves op- posite, reduced in size upwards, sessile, ovate, apically obtuse, basally truncate to auriculate, the margins with numerous, sharp, sometimes callose teeth, mostly 2-4 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, somewhat coriaceous, both sides velutinous above with short whitish hairs, the venation obscure above, prominent beneath, the midvein and 2-4 strongly ascending lateral veins on each side conspicuously elevated. Inflorescences terminal racemes, at first congested, elongating with maturity, the pedicels tomentose, 3-4 mm long. Flowers with the calyx ca. 7 mm long, cupular, glandular tomentose, 10-ribbed, 4-5 lobed, the lobes deltoid, 2-3 mm long, sometimes somewhat acuminate; corolla red, tubular, 3-4 cm long, 5-7 mm wide, pulverulent tomentose with dark hairs, 2-lipped; stamens 2, the lower pair of anthers held against the upper lip, tomentose, the 2 staminodes reduced to tufts of hairs; stigma punctiform. Capsule ovoid, black, apiculate, ca. 2 cm long, ca. 8 mm wide; seeds oblong, ca. 1.5 mm long, with a stramineous, deeply reticulate testa.
Habit herbs or shrubs
Note This species is the most variable and widespread in the genus (Ernst, 1972),
Distribution ranging from northern Mexico to central Panama.
Note In Panama it occurs at slightly lower elevations than the other species, L. gutierrezii.
Specimen CHIRIQUT: El Barui above Boquete, 1200-1800 m, D'Arcy 9915 (MO). 1.5 mi from Boquete on road to David, Dwyer & Hayden 7630 (MO). COCLE: El Valle, 600-1000 m, Allen 1154 (MO). Hills N of El Valle, 800 m, Allen 2235 (MO, NY). VERAGUAS: Hueco de Calobre camino hacia La Yeguada, Carrasquilla et al. 287 (MO). La Yeguada a orillas del Rio San Juan, Correa & Dressler 1970 (MO). Between Laguna La Yeguada and Calobre, Luteyn 1473 (DUKE).
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