(Last Modified On 5/15/2013)
(Last Modified On 5/15/2013)
Physalis ignota Britt.
Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 16: 100-101. 1920.
TYPE: Cuba, Britton & Wilson 5767 (NY, US).
Physalis pentagona Blake, Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 21: 20-21. 1922. TYPE: Guatemala, Blake 7313 (GH, US).
Erect herb to 1 m tall, stems stout, evenly covered with short, curved, simple, several-celled greyish hairs. Leaves to 12 cm long, broadly ovate or elliptic, apically acute or acuminate, basally rounded or narrowed, mostly oblique, the margin entire or sinuate, rarely toothed, evenly puberulent on the lamina, the major veins puberulent to villous; petioles ?/2 to as long as the leaves, slender, villous above. Pedicels densely vestite, 3-7 mm long. Flowers with the calyx 5-8 mm long, 3-6 mm wide at base of the lobes, villous, sometimes viscid, the lobes ovate-lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate and attenuate; corolla unmarked, 6-10 mm long; anthers yellow or blue, 2-2.5 mm long. Fruits congested on stout pedicels 7-15 mm long, finely vestite with short erect hairs; fruiting calyx 2.5-5 cm long, coriaceous, strongly 5-angled, evenly puberulent with minute hairs; berry 10-16 mm long.
The fruiting calyx of this species may become larger and heavier in con- struction than in any other species in Panama. The greyish indumentum, sinuate leaf margins and unspotted corollas are good recognition characters for those specimens having smaller fruits. Plants may reach the largest size of any Panamanian Physalis species, but they are also capable of blooming and fruiting when only 50 cm tall. Physalis ignota occurs mainly in sandy or gravelly sites along streams and beaches or in weedy fields. It occurs in the'lowlands and ascends to middle and perhaps upper elevations.
From Panama it ranges west to Guatemala and north to Cuba.
COCLE: 10 mi. E of Nata at Rio Grande, frequent in sun, Tyson 5260 (FSU, MO, SCZ). LOS SANTOS: Monagre Beach 5 mi. SE of Chitre, Tyson et al. 3003 (FSU, PMA). Los Asientos, arbusto, Wendehake 42 (DUKE, FSU, MO, PMA). PANA-MA: Near San Carlos, elev. 0-10 m, 1 m, Allen 1136 (GH, MO, NY, US). Between Rio Pacora & Chepo, roadside savanna, Porter et al. 5126A (MO).
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