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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/15/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/15/2013)
Species Schwenckia americana Royen ex L.
PlaceOfPublication Gen. P1., ed 4. 577 [567]. 1764.
Description Ascending herb, branched near the base to 70 cm tall; stems puberulent with antrorse curved hairs, leafy on the basal half. Leaves ovate, elliptic, obovate or rhombic, mostly 2 cm long and 7 mm broad, apically acute or obtuse, basally narrowed to the short, 2 mm petiole, pubescent and the midvein prominent on both sides, veins ca. 3 on each side. Inflorescence a scapose, open panicle, elongate, the stem leaves declining in size upward to become minute bracts near the apex; peduncles solitary, slender, to 24 cm long; pedicels solitary, 2-3 mm long, in fruit slightly longer with an articulation near the base. Flowers small, with the calyx tubular, 3 mm long, 4-5 lobed to about 1/3 the way down, strongly nerved, sparingly pubescent inside and out; corolla 10-12 mm long, narrowly tubular, glabrous outside, pubescent on the lower 1/3 inside, strongly nerved, minutely 5-lobed, the lobes deltoid and sometimes unequal, the nerves terminat- ing in 2-5, linear-spatulate, equal or unequal glandular appendages which may
Habit herb
Description slightly exceed the corolla lobes; stamens 2, equal, the filaments inserted about 1/3 the way up the corolla tube, pubescent on the lower 1/2 (including adnate portion), tape-like below, tapering just above the point of insertion, anthers connate, oblong, 1 mm long, dehiscing longitudinally, staminodes 3, equal, con- sisting of filaments which resemble those of the stamens for the adnate portion, tapering to an apex 1 mm above the point of insertion, the filaments of stamens and staminodes coherent by marginal hairs to form a closed cone over the ovary; ovary ellipsoidal, 2 mm long, constricted around the middle, the style straight, the stigma punctiform, exserted as long as the longest corolla appendage. Fruit a globose capsule with a small but manifest apicule, dehiscent by a single, elevated suture which transverses the apex, and sometimes (on herbarium sheets) by other longitudinal slits; seed 0.6 mm long, a pyramidal frustum, ferrugineous, minutely striate with tuberculate in rows.
Note Only two collections of this species have been seen from Panama. There are more collections from Costa Rica and other Central American countries, but the species is apparently rare.
Specimen COCLE: Nata', ca. 50 m, Allen 826 (F, MO, NY, US). Llanos, Penonome, Ebinger 994 (US). Aguadulce in savannas near sea level, Pittier 4880 (NY, US).
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