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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/29/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/29/2013)
Habit shrub liana
Distribution A variable species of tropical Central America and northern South America; usually in wet habitats, often in second growth.
Note Colloquial names reported in Panama are espino hueco, zarza, rabo de iguana and ranrgay.
Common espino hueco zarza
Common rabo de iguana ranrgay
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: region of Almirante, Research Grounds, 'Cooper 94; Changuinola Valley, Dunlap 280, 376 vicinity of Chiriqui Lagoon, von Wedel 1066, 1127, 1240, 1241, 1276. CANAL ZONE: along road to Battery VII, area west of Limon Bay, Gatun Locks and Gatun Lake, Johnston 1776; hills west of the Canal, near Gatun, Standley 27269; shore of Gatun Lake, east of laboratory, Wetmore & Abbe 8a; Barro Colorado Island, Shattuck 374, 734, Standley 31466, Wetmore & Abbe 8, Wilson 36; between Gorgona and Mamei, alt. 10-30 m., Pittier 2697; Las Cascadas Plantation, near Summit, Standley 25720, 29598; around Culebra, alt. 50-100 m., Pittier 2214; Paraiso Station, Hayes 22; Pedro Miguel, Piper 5509; vicinity of Miraflores Lake, P. White 275; along the old Las Cruces Trail, between Fort Clayton and Corozal, Standley 29181; Las Cruces Trail, Harvey 5042; Camino de Corozal, Bro. Heriberto 254; Corozal, roadside, Killip 3147; Balboa, Standleyj 25612; between Madden Dam and Saddle II near Alahuela, 90-100 m., Dodge, Steyermark & Allen 16509; near Fort Kobbe, Allen 2014; Col6n to Empire, Crawuford 508. COCLE: Penonome and vicinity, R. S. Williams 369. DARIEN: Marraganti and vicinity, R. S. Wil- liams 657; vicinity of Yape, ca. 30 m., Allen 851; Chepigana, Tucuti, 50 ft., M. E. & R. A. Terry 1390. PANAMA: along the Corozal Road, near Panama, Standley 26769; Laguna de Portala, near Chepo, alt. 50 m., Pittier 4591; Taboga Island, Standley 27096., 27849; Taboguilla Island, Miller 1995. PROVINCE UNKNOWN: Haycs 332.
PlaceOfPublication Select. Stirp. Am. Hist. 76. 1763.-Fig. 6.
Synonym Chaetaea aculeata Jacq., Enum. Syst. P1. 17. 1760, nom.nud. Byttneria carthagenensis Jacq., Select. Stirp. Am. Hist. Pict. 40. 1780. Byttneria lateralis Presl, Rel. Haenk. 2: 144. 1835. Byttneria guatemalensis Loes., Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenb. 55: 171. 1913.
Description Scandent shrub, sometimes liana, the hairs simple, the stems and branches more or less angular, hollow, pilose along one vertical row and aculeate, the prickles sharp and recurved. Leaves with a petiole 0.5-4.5 cm. long, pilose on the adaxial side, sparsely and shortly aculeate on the abaxial side, the blade very variable, rounded-ovate to narrowly lanceolate, obtuse to cordate at the base, acute to long-acuminate at the apex, 4-18 cm. long and 1.2-13 cm. wide, thin and membranous, the margins entire or remotely serrate, sparsely pilose to glabrous on the upper surface, pilose especially near the base and with the midrib sparsely and shortly aculeate on the lower surface. Inflorescences axillary, umbelliform, few-flowered, pedunculate, the peduncles pilose, the hairs generally uncinate. Flowers with a pedicel 2-4 mm. long, pilose, the bracts very small, triangular; calyx ca. 4.5 mm. long, the lobes elliptic, acute, ca. 3.5 mm. long and 2-2.5 mm. wide, membranous, glabrous; petals ca. 5.5-6 mm. long, the limb ca. 1.5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, bilobate at the apex, the appendage clavate and ca. 4-4.5 mm. long, the upper part of the limb and the lower part of the appendage sparsely ciliolate; anthers very shortly stipitate, ca. 0.25 mm. long, 2-thecate; staminodes 3-lobulate, the central lobe caudate and ca. 0.25 mm. long, the 2 lateral ones rounded and very small; ovary more or less globose, 5-lobulate, ca. 0.5 mm. in diam., muricatc; style ca. 0.25 mm. long; stigma obscurely 5-subdenticulate. Capsule ca. 2.5 cm. in diam., the body more or less globose, 5-lobed, ca. 0.5 cm. long and 0.7 cm. in diam., densely spinose, the spines of various length, up to 1.2 cm. long; seeds ca. 3 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide.
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