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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/29/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/29/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Nov. Gen. Sp. P1. Prodr. 97. 1788
Reference Standley, Contr. Arnold Arb. 5: 104. 1933.
Synonym Mougeotia inflata H. B. K., Nov. Gen. Sp. P1. 5: 330, t.484. 1823. Riedlea inflata (H. B. K.) DC., Prodr. 1: 491. 1824. Visenia inflata (H. B. K.) Spreng. in L., Syst. Veg. ed. 16, 3: 30. 1826. Visenia lupulina (Sw.) Spreng. in L., loc. cit. 31. 1826. Melochia inflata (H. B. K.) Benth., Bot. Voy. Sulph. 71. 1844. Riedlea lupulina (Sw.) Beurling, Kongl. Sv. Vet.-akad. Handl. 1854: 115. 1854 (?). Anamorpha waltherioides Karst. & Triana, Linnaea 28: 443. 1856.
Description Herb, undershrub or shrub, erect or sometimes procumbent, 0.60-2 m. high, the young stems and branches villous, the hairs simple or stellate. Leaves rather long-petiolate, the petiole slender, slightly canaliculate above, up to 5 cm. long, more or less densely villous, the stipules filiform, up to 4 mm. long; blade ovate, cordate at the base, acuminate at the apex, up to 10 cm. long and 7 cm. wide, chartaceous, the margins serrate-crenate, loosely to densely softly velutinous, the indumentum always denser on the lower surface, usually 5(-7)-nerved at the base, the nervation slightly prominent beneath. Inflorescences axillary, of solitary or mostly fascicled, umbelliform cymes, the cymes shortly pedunculate, the pedun- cles densely stellate-puberulous. Flowers 4-4.7 mm. long, heterostyled, shortly pedicellate, the pedicel 2.2-3 mm. long and densely stellate-puberulous, the bracts linear-subulate, 1.5-2.5 mm. long, stellate-puberulous and ciliolate; calyx globose-campanulate, ca. 4-4.5 mm. long and 4 mm. wide, the lobes triangular, acute or acuminate, ca. 1.8-3 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. wide at the base, stellate- puberulous outside, glabrous inside, mucb-accrescent; petals obovate, shortly unguiculate and slightly adnate to the base of the staminal tube, rounded at the apex, ca. 4-4.7 mm. long and 1.7-2 mm. wide, white; long-styled flowers with a staminal tube ca. 2-2.5 mm. long and glabrous, the anthers sessile or nearly so and ca. 0.8-1. mm. long, the ovary shortly stipitate, ellipsoid to oblong, ca. 1-1.5 mm. long and 0.8-0.9 mm. in diam., shortly and densely sericeous, the styles free, ca. 2.5-2.8 mm. long, stellate-hirtellous near the base, the stigmas papillate; short- styled flowers with a staminal tube ca. 1.6-1-7 mm. long and glabrous, the filaments ca. 2-2.2 mm. long, the anthers ca. 0.8-0.0 mm. long, the ovary very shortly stipitate, ellipsoid, ca. 1-1.2 mm. long and 0.7-0.8 mm. in diam., shortly and densely sericeous, the styles free, ca. 1.7-1.9 mm. long, the stigmas papillate. Capsule surrounded by the accrescent calyx, depressed-globose, ca. 2.2-2.3 mm. long and 2.7-3 mm. in diam., shortly stellate-puberulous, each coccus ca. 1.3 mm. thick, opening along the inner angle; seed ca. 1.4-1.7 mm. long and 1.1 mm. thick.
Habit Herb shrub
Distribution A common, often weedy species dispersed throughout the American tropics and growing in moist thickets, on brushy slopes and in weedy fields.
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Almirante, Skutch 1; region of Almirante, Farm Six, Cooper 190; vicinity of Monkey Hill, Cowell 39; Changuinola Valley, along railroad, Dunlap 334; vicinity of Chiriqui Lagoon, Water Valley, von Wedel 1671, 1848; locality unknown, Carleton 183. CANAL ZONE: Mindi, Cowell 184; Gatun, Bro. Heriberto 22; hills west of the Canal, near Gatun, Standley 27273; forest along telephone trail between the Rio Indio Hydrographic Station and the Natural Bridge of Rio Puente, Casa Larga trail, Dodge & Allen 17484; Barro Colorado Island, Shattuck 656, Wetmore & Abbe 33, 86, Wilson 19, Woodworth & Vestal 629; Frijoles, Standley 27640; Darien Station, Standley 31524; Gamboa, Standley 28329, 28501; Obispo, Standley 31772; Empire to Mandinga, Piper 5460; Las Cascadas Plantation, near Summit, Standley 25817, 29630; Summit, Standley 26932; Summit, exp. gardens, Woodworth & Vestal A50A; vicinity of Summit, Standley 30059; Rio Grande, near Culebra, 50-100 m., Pittier 2109; Paraiso Sta., Hayes 30; Pedro Miguel, Piper 5498. COCLu: vicinity of El Valle, 800-1,000 m., Allen 80. COL6N: Juan Mina Plantation, Rio Chagres, 25 m., Allen 4118. DARIEN: Marraganti and vicinity, R. S. Williams 1002; along Sambut River, Pittier 5537; vicinity of Pinogana, Allen 4280. PANAMA: hills between Capira and Potrero, 80-130 m., Dodge & Hunter 8636, 8637; Agricultural Experiment Station at Matias HernAndez, Pittier 6900; vicinity of Matias HernAndez, Standley 32063; Rio Tapia, Standley 28053. PROVINCE UNKNOWN: Hayes 786, Sinclair s.n.
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