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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/13/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/13/2013)
Species Aegiphila elata Sw.
PlaceOfPublication Prodr. 31. 1788.
Synonym Nuxia elata (Sw.) Pers., Syn. P1. 1: 132. 1805. Omphalococca cornifolia Willd. in Roem. & Schult., Mant. 3: 132. 1827. Psychotria mollis Spreng. in DC., Prodr. 4: 513. 1830. Aegiphila cornifolia (Willd.) Kunth, Abh. Konigl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 215. 1831.
Description Branching shrub or woody vine, sometimes trailing, often high-climbing, 2-8 m tall; stem to 8 cm in diameter; branches elongate, stout; branchlets slender, obtusely tetragonal, glabrous or minutely puberulent toward the tips. Leaves opposite; firmly chartaceous, not blackening or becoming fragile, entire, ovate to elliptic, 7-20 cm long and 2.5-9 cm wide, abruptly attenuate or narrowly acu- minate, basally blunt or rounded, rarely subcordate, dark-green and glabrous above, paler beneath, shiny, and appressed-pubescent on the midrib and larger This content downloaded from on Thu, 9 May 2013 15:26:14 PMAll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions118 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN [VOL. 60 veins beneath, glabrescent and often thinly glandular punctate in age; petioles 5-12 mm long, often much thickened basally, puberulent. Inflorescences axillary cymes and terminal panicles; the cymes ca. 1/3-1/2 as long as the subtending leaves, opposite, solitary, many-flowered, usually quite distinct from the panicle; the panicles corymbose or thyrsoid, about 16 cm long and 11 cm wide, erect, usually naked; peduncles 1-4 cm long, often flattened and ampliate above, minutely puberulent or glabrate; pedicels slender, 4-8 mm long, puberulent. Flowers with the calyx turbinate-infundibular to cupuliform, usually basally acute and ven- tricose or constricted above the ovary, 2-4 mm long and 2.6-4.2 mm wide, firm, lax around the corolla-tube, puberulent or pubescent, apically membranous, distinctly 4-lobed, dilated, the lobes ovate, erect, retuse or mucronulate; corolla yellowish or cream-colored to white, infundibular or hypocrateriform, the tube cylindric, slender, 4-8 mm long, the lobes usually 4, oblong- or elliptic-lingulate, 3-6 mm long and ca. 3.7 mm wide, spreading, obtuse; stamens 4, inserted ca. 3.5 mm below the mouth of the corolla-tube, long-exserted in the staminate flowers or included in the pistillate, the filaments 0.3-7 mm long, glabrous; pistil long- exserted in the pistillate flowers or included in the stamiinate, the style 2-4 mm long, the stigma branches 2-4.5 mm long, the ovary subrotund, dark, ca. 0.9 mm long and wide, flattened above. Fruit subglobose or subtetragonal, 7-10 mm long and wide, flattened at both ends, firm, yellow or orange, 3- or 4-seeded, when immature almost included in the calyx, semi-included when mature, often borne in large clusters 10-15 cm long; fruiting-calyx greatly enlarged and indurated, cupuliform, ca. 5 mm long and 6-10 mm wide, roughened, glabrate, shallowly and irregularly lobed or sometimes deeply split.
Habit shrub or woody vine
Distribution Margins of woods, hedges, thickets, and borders of streams, ranging from Cuba and Mexico through the West Indies and Central America to Colombia, Venezuela, and the Guianas.
Common Bejuco de peine mico guairo santo
Common guaro spirit-weed
Specimen CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Croat 5506 (AAU, NY). COLON: East Ridge, in tropical wet forest, Duke 15269 (BMIC). DARIEN: Cerro Pirre, Bristan 592 (MO, SRGH). PANAMA: Cana and vicinity, 2000-6500 ft, Williams 829 (NY, US).
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