(Last Modified On 5/13/2013)
(Last Modified On 5/13/2013)
Aegiphila integrifolia (Jacq.) Jacq. ex Jacks.
Ind. Kew. 1: 46. 1893.
Callicarpa integrifolia Jacq., Enum. Syst. P1. 12. 1760. Manabea arborescens Aubl., Hist. P1. Guian. 1: 64. 1775. Aegiphila arborescens (Aubl.) J. F. Gmel. in L., Syst. Nat., ed. 13. 2: 259. 1789. Callicarpa globiflora Ruiz & Pav., FM. Pertiv. 1: 49, pl. 77b. 1798.
Shrub or slender tree 3-12 m tall; trunk to 30 cm in diameter, straight; wood light-colored, thin and the pith ample; outer bark gray, rough; inner bark thick, clear-chestnut or dark-red; branches and branchlets acutely tetragonal, deeply canaliculate along the sides, decussately flattened and ampliate at the nodes, densely incanous-pubescent or sericeous. Leaves slightly aromatic, opposite or rarely approximate, membranous or chartaceous, oblong to elliptic or obovate, 7.5-35 cm long and 3.5-15 cm wide, acuminate, entire or denticulate, basally long-attenuate and decurrent into the petiole, shiny-green above, paler beneath, appressed hirtellous with incanous hairs above, glabrescent but slightly roughened in age, beneath appressed sericeous-puberulent with incanous hairs, especially along the midrib and larger veins and dotted with cutaneous glands, petioles 4-13 mm long, incanous-pubescent; minor veins slender and delicate. Inflores- cences axillary, solitary, opposite, cymes to half as long as the subtending leaves, di- or trichotomous, globose or capitate-corymbose when young, densely many- flowered but becoming somewhat more loosely flowered, bracteolate; flowers manifestly declinous; peduncles slender, 2-5 cm long, shorter in the pistillate flowers than in the staminate, flowers often flattened and distinctly canaliculate, densely strigose-sericeous and incanous; pedicels filiform, to 5 mm long in the staminate flowers, short or obsolete in the pistillate, incanous-pubescent; bractlets and prophylls usually absent, or when present, few, linear, subulate, firm, short and incanous. Flowers copious, calyx clavate-infundibular, subturbinate-tubular, in the pistillate more usually tubular-campanulate, subangular, firmly membra- nous or subherbaceous, 5-8 mm long, 3 mm wide, densely incano-sericeous outside, softly sericeous within, lax around the corolla-tube, acutely 4-dentate, 4- lobed, or 4-parted, the segments ovate, acute, often spreading; corolla infundib- ular, white or yellowish, the tube cylindrical, slender, 4-12 mm long, puberulent upwards, the lobes 4, ovate- or lanceolate-lingulate, acute, 2-4 mm long, ca. 2 mm wide, spreading, often reflexed, stamens 4, inserted ca. 1 mm below the mouth of the corolla-tube, exserted in the staminate flowers or equaling the corolla-tube in the pistillate, the filaments 0.2-7 mm long, glabrous; pistil included in the staminate flowers or exserted in the pistillate, the style 3.7-7 mm long, glabrous, the stigma branches 2.4-3.4 mm long, longer in the pistillate, flowers papillose, ovary subglobose, ca. 1 mm long and wide, flat at both ends, glabrous, apically 4-lobed, 4-celled. Fruit borne in heavy clusters, subglobose or obovate, ca. 8 mm long and 7 mm wide, apically depressed, smooth and shiny, green or yellow, becoming orange, 2-4 seeded, the base invested by the fruiting-calyx; seeds ovate, plano-convex, with a suberustaceous testa; fruiting-calyx greatly enlarged and indurated, cupuliform, shallowly and irregularly lobed, enclosing the base of the fruit.
Shrub or slender tree
Occurring in woods and thickets, along the banks of streams, on abandoned land, at the edge of clearings, and on savannas, this species is widely distributed from Trinidad and Panama to southern Brazil, Bolivia and Peru.
Carindiba lardwood
DARIEN: Near Cana, 1750 ft, Stern et al. 663 (MO).
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