(Last Modified On 5/13/2013)
(Last Modified On 5/13/2013)
Citharexylum cooperi Standl.
Trop. Woods 10: 50. 1927.
Shrub or small tree, to 8 m tall with spreading crown; stems to 15 cm diameter; branchlets and twigs slender, acutely tetragonal, the young shoots light-brown, often 4-margined and more or less deeply sulcate on 2 opposite sides, short-pilose with spreading hairs, glabrescent; leaf-scars borne on conspicuous, stout, corky sterigmata. Leaves opposite; subcoriaceous (chartaceous or membranous when immature), entire, ovate or oblong to elliptic or oblong-elliptic, 4.8-20 cm long, 2.3-8 cm wide, apically acute or short-acuminate, basally acute or short-cuneate and decurrent with a pair of small discoid glands at the base (obscure or absent from mature leaves), pale gray-green and shiny above, usually brighter green beneath, glabrous or glabrate above, beneath velutinous overall, the midrib and secondary veins deeply impressed above and prominent beneath, minor venation sparse, more or less impressed or obscure above, prominulous beneath; petioles stout, 2-15 mm long, minutely puberulent or glabrate. Racemes numerous, erect, paniculate, terminal on short axillary twigs, 2-9 cm long, often with 1 or 2 pairs of branches at the base in the axils of bractlets, each branch to 1.5 cm wide, densely many-flowered; peduncles slender 1.5-3.5 cm long, short-pubescent, or canescent-puberulent or glabrate, usually with 1-5 nodes each bearing a pair of linear bractlets; rachis similar to the peduncles, mostly short-pubescent; pedicles filiform, to 2 mm long, pubescent or puberulent; bractlets linear, paired, to 5 mm long, short-pubescent or puberulent; prophylls setaceous, to 1 mm long. Flowers fragrant; calyx narrowly campanulate, ca. 4 mm long, sparsely hirtellous; corolla white, hypocrateriform, the tube ca. 2.5 mm long, the lobes ca. 2 mm long, obtuse, minutely puberulent. Fruit orange, globose, ca. 8 mm long; fruiting-calyx much indurated and incrassate, ca. 4 mm long and 6.5 mm wide, prominently striate, deeply 5-lobed, the lobes triangular, acute, 2.5-3 mm long, to 3 mm wide.
Shrub or small tree
In clearing and on plains, Costa Rica and Panama
closely related to C. viride.
BOCAS DEL TORO: Changuinola Valley, Dunlap 42 (F). Almirante region, Changuinola Valley, Cooper III & Slater 34 (AAH, F, GH, US, YU).
Project Name