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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/10/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/10/2013)
Species Verbena hybrida Voss ex Riimpler
PlaceOfPublication Vilm. Illustr. Blumeng., ed. 1. 1263. 1873.
Synonym Verbena hortensis Vilm., Fleures Pleine Terre, ed. 5. 1126. 1909.
Description Perennial herbs, usually treated as annuals in temperate-climate gardens, half- hardy in protected places, of spreading or compact growth, 15-45 cm high when in bloom; stems mostly procumbent, trailing or creeping, or ascending in compact forms, sometimes forming perennial mats 1 m wide in warm climates, slender, tetragonal, usually 30-60 cm long, occasionally to 1 m, densely hirsute or villous; branches numerous, decumbent or ascending, more or less densely soft-hirsute or villous with spreading trichomes. Leaves numerous, the blades chartaceous, usually thick-textured, rather uniformly dark-green on both surfaces or somewhat lighter beneath, often variegated with yellow, rarely entirely chlorotic, those at the tips of the branches smaller, 1.3-8.3 cm long and 1-5.8 cm wide, acute apically, usually truncate or subtruncate basally or cuneately narrowed into the petiole, irregularly incised-dentate from apex to base with numerous acute and spreading, often lobe-like and doubly dentate teeth, more or less densely soft-pubescent or hirsutulous on both surfaces with rather coarse whitish trichomes antrorsely strigose above and usually spreading from the midrib and larger veins beneath; petioles slender, 2-7 mm long, densely hirsute with spreading white trichomes, margined. Inflorescences terminal, large and showy, varying from an extremely flattened corymb to a very long spike, the floriferous portion 4.5-6.5 cm long and 5.5-9 cm wide, 28-55-flowered; spikes at first depressed and corymb- or fascicle- like, later elongating, densely many-flowered; peduncles tetragonal, 3-10 or more cm long, densely white-hirsute or -villous; bractlets lanceolate, much shorter than the calyx, 5-6 mm long, attenuate apically, densely soft-pubescent with whitish trichomes. Flowers closely imbricate and often more or less fragrant; calyx tubular, 0.8-1.5 cm long, 5-costate and -plicate, densely white-hirsutulous, varying from subtruncate and merely undulate to shortly 5-apiculate; corolla hypocrateri- form, large and showy, white or cream to practically all shades of red, yellow, blue, and purple, usually with a white, cream, or yellow spot in the center of the limb and with or without a colored inner rim, sometimes striped, the tube 1.5-3 cm long, usually greenish or whitish, glabrous or obscurely pilosulous, the limb 1-2.5 cm wide; anthers not appendaged.
Habit herbs
Distribution An extremely polymorphic hybrid, planted for ornament practically through- out the world, often tending to escape or persist after cultivation in warmer areas.
Note The exact ancestry of the plant is not certain, but it is supposed to be a multiple hybrid between Verbena platensis Spreng., V. phlogiflora Cham., V. incisa Hook., and V. peruviana (L.) Britton, all natives of South America. Hundreds of cultivar names, including many in Latin form, exist in the horticultural literature.
Specimen PANAMA: Sabanas, Panamai, Bro. Paul 39 (US). Cultivated, Panamai, Bro. Maurice 896 (US).
Common malvina
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