Cynodontium B.S.G. ex Schimp., Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 12. 1856.
Plants small, densely tufted, dull green or brownish. Leaves crispate when dry, lanceolate, keeled; margins recurved below, variously serrulate, bistratose above; costa ending below the apex, with 2 stereid bands; upper cells irregularly quadrate, often broader than long, unipapillose on both surfaces; basal cells rectangular, smooth; alar cells absent or slightly differentiated. Cladoautoicous.Perigonial budsjust below the perichaetia. Setae elongate, cygneous; capsules erect, furrowed when dry; opercula rostrate; stomata present; peristome teeth 16, lanceolate, divided in the upper 1/2 to 2/3, red, vertically papillose-striate. Calyptrae cucullate.