10. Hygroamblystegium Loeske 湿柳藓属 shi liu xian shu
Moosfl. Harz. 298. 1903. Amblystegium subgen. Hygroamblystegium (Loeske) Amann, Fl. Mouss. Suisse 1: 175. 1918.
Plants small to medium-sized. Stems prostrate, irregularly branched; pseudoparaphyllia foliose. Stem leaves erect-spreading or widely spreading, ovate-lanceolate, abruptly narrowed to a short, slender acumen; costae single, strong, usually extending to leaf acumen; median leaf cells rhomboidal, elongate-hexagonal; alar cells numerous, often oblate or shortly rectangular. Sporophytes not seen.