Plants slender, medium-sized, or robust. Primary stems creeping. Secondary stems horizontal or erect, irregularly branched; cross section with sclerodermis, firm-walled cortex, central strand pres-ent or absent; paraphyllia absent; pseudoparaphyllia absent, scale leaves present; rhizoids from cir-cular clusters of initials abaxial to the leaf insertions. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, smooth or plicate, erect or spreading, often secund when dry, acuminate, decurrent; margins plane or recurved at base; costa absent; cells smooth, thick-walled, apical and median cells linear to fusiform; basal median cells lin-ear, often porose; alar cells quadrate to oblate. Dioicous. Perichaetial leaves convolute-sheathing. Setae elongate. Capsules immersed, emergent, or variously exserted, subglobose to oblong-ellipsoid,
2–3 mm long, smooth or irregularly furrowed when dry, narrowed at the mouth; exothecial cells small, red, very thick-walled in several rows below the mouth, firm-walled, irregularly short-rectangular below; stomata present or absent; opercula rostrate to obliquely rostrate; annuli rudimentary, cells clinging to the operculum base and capsule mouth after dehiscence; peristome diplolepideous, pros-tome at times well developed; exostome teeth narrowly triangular, yellowish white, variously papil-lose; endostome basal membrane very low, pale, lightly papillose, segments and cilia absent. Spores finely papillose, small and round or large and irregularly oblong, exosporically or endosporically ger-minated. Calyptrae cucullate, smooth, naked.