1. Ascending and pendulous branches often circinate; capsules yellow, with stomata on apophyses; spores maturing in late summer or early autumn; endostome segments linear, shorter than the teeth, prostome absent......................................................... 8. L. pendulus
1. Ascending and pendulous branches not circinate (only somewhat curved in L. tibeticus); capsules brown or blackish brown, with or without stomata on apophyses; spores maturing in winter; endostome membrane-like or rudimentary, prostome often present.......................................................................................................... 2
2. Stems with a central strand.................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Stems without a central strand............................................................................................................................. 7
3. Stem leaves narrowly lanceolate, 4.0–5.2 mm long; alar cells extending up to 1/8–1/7 the leaf length...........
.......................................................................................................................................................... 14. L. subulatus
3. Stem leaves ovate-lanceolate, less than 4.0 mm long; alar cells extending up to ca. 1/3 the leaf length......... 4
4. Stem leaves less than 2.6 mm long; prostome one layer; brood bodies present in leaf axils................ 10. L. sciuroides
4. Stem leaves more than 2.6 mm long; prostome 2–3 layers; brood bodies absent.......................................... 5
5. Stem leaves slenderly acuminate at the apex; capsules oblong-ovoid to cylindrical, 2.2–3.7 mm × 1.0 mm...
............................................................................................................................................................... 11. L. secundus
5. Stem leaves shortly acuminate at the apex; capsules ovoid, 1.1–2.1 mm × 0.7–1.0 mm.................................. 6
6. Ascending branches straight; stem leaves 2.8–3.4 mm long; median leaf cells 28–48 µm × 3–7 µm, thin-walled to somewhat thick-walled; alar cells extending up to 1/3–2/5 the leaf length......... 9. L. sapporensis
6. Ascending branches curved; stem leaves 2–3 mm long; median leaf cells ca. 32 µm × 6 µm, thick-walled; alar cells extending up to 2/3 the leaf length.............................................................................. 16. L. tibeticus
7. Ascending branches pinnately branched.................................................................................. 6. L. jaegerinaceus
7. Ascending branches irregularly branched............................................................................................................... 8
8. Pendulous branches well developed, usually longer than the ascending branches (to ca. 15 cm long)..........
.................................................................................................................................................. 4. L. flagelliformis
8. Pendulous branches somewhat developed, usually shorter than the ascending branches.............................. 9
9. Capsules large, spherical, with stomata on apophyses....................................................... 13. L. sphaerocarpus
9. Capsules ovoid or oblong-ovoid, without stomata.............................................................................................. 10
10. Stem leaves linear-lanceolate......................................................................................................................... 11
10. Stem leaves lanceolate, ovate or oblong-ovate, shortly acute to long-acuminate...................................... 12
11. Upper leaf cell walls porose; alar cells extending up to ca. 1/5 the leaf length; pendulous branches often present................................................................................................................................7. L. morrisonensis
11. Upper leaf cell walls not porose; alar cells extending up to (1/10–)1/7–1/4(–3/5) the leaf length; pendulous
branches rarely developed............................................................................................................... 3. L. exaltatus
12. Alar cells extending up to ca. 3/5 the leaf length; stem leaves 2.2–2.8 mm long................ 2. L. coreensis
12. Alar cells extending up to ca. 1/3 the leaf length; stem leaves to 4 mm long........................................... 13
13. Stem leaves rounded-ovate at the base, narrowly acuminate at the apex........................................................ 14
13. Stem leaves oblong-lanceolate, narrowly acute to shortly apiculate.............................................................. 15
14. Inner perichaetial leaves 7.0–7.5 mm long; capsules ovoid, ca. 1.5 mm × 1.0 mm; setae 4–6 mm long; spores 55–64 µm in diameter.................................................................................................... 12. L. sinensis
14. Inner perichaetial leaves 4.0–5.0 mm long; capsules cylindrical, 2.2–2.8 mm × 0.7–1.0 mm; setae 8–15 mm long; spores 27–35 µm in diameter........................................................................ 15. L. temperatus
15. Alar cells of stem leaves extending to 1/10–1/7 the leaf length; median leaf cells 33–36 µm long, not or weakly
porose; restricted to calcareous rocks or moist soil....................................................................... 1. L. alpinus
15. Alar cells of stem leaves extending to 1/7–1/4 the leaf length; median leaf cells 50–70 µm long, distinctly porose;
usually on tree trunks, rarely on rocks....................................................................................... 5. L. formosanus