1. Upper leaf margins entire; calyptrae reaching the base of capsules; plants about 1 cm high........................... 2
1. Upper leaf margins serrate; calyptrae only reaching the middle of capsules; plants more than 2 cm high..... 3
2. Leaves narrowly lanceolate from an ovate base, strongly concave and keeled above when moist; annuli absent
............................................................................................................................................... 2. P. fauriei
2. Leaves oblong-lanceolate from a short, oblong base, plane or slightly incurved above when moist; annuli well developed
.................................................................................................................... 7. P. sinense
3. Leaves oblong-ovate to broadly lanceolate, obtuse to broadly acute at the apex.............................................. 4
3. Leaves linear-lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate from a broad base, acuminate to acute at the apex.............. 5
4. Leaves narrowly oblong-ovate to broadly lanceolate from a narrowly oblong base; peristome teeth divided into 2 long, subulate divisions; opercula with a short beak
....................................... 1. P. dentatum
4. Leaves oblong-ovate from a wide, sub-ovate base; peristome teeth divided into three short divisions; opercula with a long beak
............................................................................................................ 9. P. wilsonii
5. Median and basal leaf cells with sinuose, thick walls.......................................................................................... 6
5. Median and basal leaf cells with straight, thin walls............................................................................................ 7
6. Upper part of leaves strongly contorted when dry, often secund when moist; median and basal leaf cells with strongly sinuose walls; annuli undifferentiated
.................................................................. 8. P. tortula
6. Upper part of leaves crisped when dry, straight when moist; median and basal leaf cells with only somewhat sinuose walls; annuli well developed
.................................................................. 3. P. formosicum
7. Leaves scarcely plicate at the base; upper part of leaves long, linear; plants 2–3 cm high......................
5. P. linearifolium
7. Leaves distinctly plicate at the base; upper part of leaves short, lanceolate; plants 3–5 cm high.................... 8
8. Upper and median leaf cells smooth; peristome 2–3 cleft to the base
.................................. 4. P. gardneri
8. Upper and median leaf cells bulging on the adaxial surfaces; peristome bifid to the base
................... 6. P. mamillosum