缩叶藓科 suo-ye xian ke
by Cao Tong, Gao Chien, and Dale H. Vitt
Plants small to moderately large, sometimes robust, green to yellowish green above, brown or black below, in loose or dense tufts. Stems erect or ascending, simple or branched; central strand well developed. Leaves mostly imbricate, crowded in rows, often crisped or incurved, sometimes contorted when dry, spreading to wide-spreading when moist, linear-lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate or broadly lanceolate, sometimes keeled, concave above, blunt or acuminate at the apex; margins erect or recurved, entire to strongly serrate above; costa single, strong, percurrent or ending below the apex; upper and median leaf cells small, rounded-quadrate or subquadrate to rectangular, often bistratose, obscure, thick-walled, sometimes with sinuose walls; basal cells rectangular to linear, thin-walled, or with sinuose walls. Autoicous. Perigonia present just below perichaetia. Perichaetial leaves not differentiated or convolute-sheathing. Setae terminal, short or elongate, straight; capsules exserted, erect, symmetric, ovoid to oblong-ellipsoid, smooth; annuli mostly well developed, consisting of thick-walled cells, sometimes absent; peristome teeth haplolepidous, 16, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, deeply and irregularly splitting into 2–3 filiform segments, densely papillose; opercula with a short to long beak. Calyptrae naked, mitrate, longitudinally plicate, lobed at the base, covering half to almost the entire capsule. Spores spherical, mostly coarsely to finely papillose, occasionally smooth.