Racomitrium Brid., Muscol. Recent. Suppl. 78. 1819.
Plants robust in olive‑green, yellowish green, at times hoary tufts or mats. Stems erect, sparsely branched or with numerous fasciculate branches, central strand absent. Leaves erect‑spreading, homomallous or falcate, ovate‑lanceolate, strongly or weakly decurrent; apices acute to acuminate, hyaline‑tipped or muticous and rounded; margins uni‑ or bistratose, entire; costa strong, subpercurrent, percurrent or excurrent; cells smooth or papillose, with thick, strongly nodulose walls; upper cells usually short, basal cells elongate, alar cells often differentiated, smooth. Dioicous. Seta single or multiple, straight, twisted (clockwise or counter clockwise) when dry. Capsules exserted, erect, symmetric; stomata in neck; opercula erect‑subulate; annuli or 3–4 rows of cells; peristome of 16 teeth united at base, divided above in 2–3 linear, papillose divisions. Calyptrae large, mitrate, non‑plicate.