Plants small to robust, perennial, in dark, rigid tufts. Stems erect, forked; rhizoids sparse. Leaves polyseriate, very hygroscopic, mostly lanceolate and acute, often piliferous; margins recurved or plane, uni‑ or bistratose; costa single, well‑developed; upper cells generally small, thick‑walled, often bi‑ or tristratose above, walls straight or sinuose to nodose, smooth or papillose, lower cells quadrate, rectangular or linear, alar cells not or poorly developed. Acrocarpous or cladocarpous. Setae straight or arcuate, short or long; capsule ovoid to cylindrical, immersed, emergent, or exserted, sometimes systylius, stomata present or absent; opercula mostly rostrate; peristome single, of 16 teeth, entire, cribrose or 2‑3 cleft to the base, mostly papillose. Calyptrae small or large, mitrate or cucullate, naked or sparsely hairy, plicate or smooth.