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Published In: Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 108. 1856. (Coroll. Bryol. Eur.) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 12/20/2012)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 12/16/2011)
General Reference :
Contributor : Zhang, Man-xiang; He, Si

Notes     (Last Modified On 12/16/2011)
Taxonomic Notes :

The classification system of Brotherus (1925) is basically followed here, which includes some nine genera in the Leucodontaceae worldwide. Five genera are known in China. Okamuraea Broth., usually treated in the family Leucodontaceae by many bryologists, falls under the Leskeaceae in volume 6 of this flora. Species of the Leucodontaceae often occur on tree trunks in large patches, and sometimes also are found on rocks.


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白齿藓科   bai chi xian ke
by Zhang Man-xiang and Si He

Plants slender to robust, green to yellowish green, often glossy, in loose or dense tufts or mats. Stems creeping, usually with brownish rhizoids; secondary stems erect or ascending, or curved, rarely pendulous, mostly simple, more or less julaceous, sometimes branched; paraphyllia absent; pseudoparaphyllia sometimes present; in cross section central strand present or absent. Leaves appressed when dry, erect-spreading when moist, sometimes secund, cordate-ovate or oblong-ovate, shortly to long-acuminate at the apex; margins plane, entire or serrulate near the apex, plicate or not plicate; costae single, short, or absent; leaf cells thick-walled, smooth; upper cells rhombic, gradually elongate toward the base; alar cells differentiated, consisting of a large group of oblate-rectangular or shortly rectangular cells. Dioicous. Inner perichaetial leaves large, sheathing at the base. Setae short, sometimes elongate; capsules mostly symmetric, erect, ovoid, oblong-ovoid to cylindrical; opercula conic, often obliquely rostrate; annuli usually differentiated; stomata often absent; peristome double or single; exostome teeth yellow or hyaline at the tips, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, papillose, rarely cross-striolate at the base; endostome segments often reduced or sometimes absent; basal membrane low; cilia absent. Calyptrae cucullate, smooth or sparsely hairy. Spores spherical, finely papillose.


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1. Leaf costae absent.................................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Leaf costae single.................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Leaves distinctly longitudinally plicate; leaf cells smooth........................................................... 3. Leucodon
2. Leaves not longitudinally plicate; upper leaf cells usually prorate or papillose......... 4. Pterogoniadelphus
3. Plants sparsely branched; leaf margins with teeth recurved; peristome double............................ 1. Antitrichia
3. Plants densely branched; leaf margins entire; peristome single.......................................................................... 4
4. Leaves not clearly auriculate at the base; peristome teeth cross-striolate at the base..................... 2. Dozya
4. Leaves clearly auriculate at the base; peristome teeth papillose................................................ 5. Scabridens
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