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Hypopterygiaceae Mitt. Search in NYBG Virtual HerbariumAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Botany, Supplement 1: 147. 1859. (J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot., Suppl.) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 2/20/2009)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 3/23/2009)
General Reference:

Notes     (Last Modified On 3/23/2009)
general taxon notes:


Hypopterygiaceae, consisting of six genera, can be classified into two subfamilies: Hypopterygioideae and Cyathophoroideae. Species of the family are mainly distributed in the tropical or subtropical regions of the world, and are usually growing on tree trunks or moist soil slopes. Four genera are recognized in China.
The Hypopterygiceae are characterized by their leaf arrangement in three rows, with two lateral rows of large, asymmetrical leaves and one row of rather small, symmetrical amphigastria. There are different opinions concerning their systematic position. Crosby (1974) considered the Hypopterygiaceae to be not a natural group, merging the genera of this family into the Daltoniaceae or Hookeriaceae. Buck and Vitt (1986) recognized Hypopterygiceae and placed them in the Bryales. Buck (1987) redefined this family to be monotypic, with Hypopterygium only, and transferred Cyathophorum, Cyathophorella, and Dendrocyathophorum to the Hookeriaceae. Our opinions as well as that of Akiyama (1990a, 1990b, 1992) maintained the traditional classification of the family with two subfamilies: Hypopterygioideae (Catharomnion, Dendrocyathophorum, Hypopterygium, and Lopidium) and Cyathophoroideae (Cyathophorella and Cyathophorum). Kruijer (2002) appeared too late to be taken into consideration for our treatment. All the genera except Catharomnion and Cyathophorum occur in China.


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孔雀藓科kong-que xian ke
by Jia Yu, Li Zhi-hua, and Wu Peng-cheng
Plants small to medium-sized, soft, complanate, erect-spreading or appressed, lightly yellowish green to dark green, usually not glossy. Primary stems slender, complanately explanate, rhizoids brown; secondary stems simple or rarely branched, dendroid, pinnately branched above, tail-like or peacock-like at the apex; cross section of stems oval or rounded, epidermal cells small, incrassate, colored, cortical cells larger, thin-walled; central strand mostly present, thick-walled. Leaves in three rows, including two lateral and one ventral rows, dimorphous; lateral leaves plane, ovate to elongate-ovate, rarely ovate-lanceolate, asymmetric; margins usually bordered; amphigastria smaller and rounded; costa uniform cells, single, sometimes forked above; laminal cells isodiametric, smooth; alar cells not differentiated. Dioicous or autoicous; male plants similar to female plants, perichaetia only in secondary stems or branches, paraphyses usually absent; perigonial buds smaller. Setae elongate; capsules exserted, mostly suberect or inclined, rarely erect; stomata phenotype, rare at base of capsules; peristomes double; exostome teeth occasionally reduced, usually densely striate, keeled, furrowed, with a median zig-zag line, lamellae well developed inside; endostome segments keeled, basal membrane developed; opercula rostrate. Calyptrae cucullate or conic, smooth. Spores very small, finely papillose.

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1. Plants simple or loosely irregularly branched, not flatly dendroid or peacock tail-like; setae short; capsules usually erect, ovoid or spherical...............1. Cyathophorella
1. Plants 1–2 pinnately branched, flatly dendroid, peacock tail-like; setae slender; capsules horizontal or pendulous, oblong-ovoid or obovoid, rarely spherical.................2
2. Lateral leaves long-ligulate; costa percurrent or slightly excurrent; leaf cells mostly papillose, cell walls collenchymatous..........................................4. Lopidium
2. Lateral leaves usually ovate; costa not percurrent; leaf cells smooth, cell walls not collenchymatous...... 3
3. Secondary stems pinnately branched; leaf margins not differentiated...................... 2. Dendrocyathophorum
3. Secondary stems fan-like; leaf margins differentiated...................3. Hypopterygium
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