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Published In: Genera of European and North American Bryineae (Mosses) 7. 1897. (Gen. Eur. N.- Amer. Bryin.) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 12/20/2012)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 12/16/2011)
General Reference :
Contributor : Wu, Peng-Cheng; Pei, Lin-Ying

Notes     (Last Modified On 12/16/2011)
Taxonomic Notes :
Species of the Meteoriaceae are mostly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world between the 30° N and the 30° S. They grow on tree trunks, branches, rotten logs, or on shaded, wet rocks. Several studies of the family are useful to the understanding of the Chinese taxa (Buck 1994; Manuel 1977 [1978]; Noguchi 1976; S.-H. Wu & S.-H. Lin 1985, 1986, 1987). Currently, there are 20 genera in the world (Crosby et al. 2000). Eighteen genera are known in China. The genus Pseudotrachypus P. de la Varde & Thér. was recognized by Buck (1994) to include several species of Barbella, such as B. convolvens (Mitt.) Broth., B. spiculata (Mitt.) Broth., and B. stevensii (Renauld & Cardot) M. Fleisch. Here these species are still placed in Barbella. Therefore, Pseudotrachypus is not dealt with in this flora.


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蔓藓科  man xian ke
by Wu Peng-cheng and Pei Lin-ying
Plants often elongate, slender to thick or rather robust, yellowish green, brownish green, or sometimes blackish, glossy or not glossy, in loose or dense mats. Primary stems creeping, usually defoliate, with sparse rhizoids; secondary stems usually pendulous or prostrate, irregularly branched or irregularly pinnately branched, with short or long branches; pseudoparaphyllia absent. Stem and branch leaves similar or dimorphic, broadly ovate, ovate, oblong-ovate, elliptic, or ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, strongly concave or complanate, deeply plicate or undulate, usually slenderly acuminate to piliferous or suddenly constricted into a short acumen or long ciliate apex, auriculate or not auriculate at the base; margins finely serrulate to coarsely serrate; costae usually single, slender, ending in the upper part of leaf, rarely double, forked, or absent; leaf cells oval, rhombic, rhomboidal, or linear, thin-walled to strongly thick-walled, porose, smooth or papillose; alar leaf cells not particularly differentiated to slightly so, sometimes distinctly differentiated. Dioicous (mostly) or autoicous. Perichaetia lateral; inner perichaetial leaves usually ovate-lanceolate. Setae short to elongate, slender, smooth or scabrose; capsules oblong-ovoid or cylindrical, smooth; opercula conic, shortly rostrate; annuli sometimes differentiated; peristome double; prostome absent; exostome teeth 16, lanceolate, finely papillose or nearly smooth above, sometimes striolate at the base, median line zigzagged; endostome segments linear or linear-lanceolate, smooth or papillose, sometimes keeled and perforate; basal membrane low to high; cilia absent or rudimentary. Calyptrae small, cucullate or mitrate, usually hairy, rarely smooth. Spores spherical or ovoid, roughened or finely papillose.

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1. Leaves mostly squarrose and undulate................................................................................................................... 2
1. Leaves erect-spreading, not squarrose, not or not particularly undulate............................................................. 3
2. Stems and branches rather thick; leaf cells usually unipapillose or sometimes with 2–3 papillae per cell...
........................................................................................................................................................... 9. Meteoriopsis
2. Stems and branches very slender; leaf cells with several papillae in a row over each cell lumen 17. Toloxis
3. Plants often dark brown or blackish; branches usually terete; leaves imbricate, often strongly concave, rounded-ovate or broadly oblong, rounded-obtuse and abruptly narrowed at the apex, with a short acumen, rarely long acuminate........................................................................................................................ 10. Meteorium
3. Plants usually not blackish; branches usually not terete; leaves not imbricate, slightly concave or complanate, ovate-lanceolate, gradually acuminate above and not abruptly constricted.................................... 4
4. Plants rather thick................................................................................................................................................. 5
4. Plants rather slender.......................................................................................................................................... 10
5. Plants usually yellowish green; stems and branches terete.................................................................................. 6
5. Plants mostly grayish green or light green; stems and branches complanate..................................................... 7
6. Leaf cells linear, each cell with 1–3 papillae; setae short; capsules usually immersed....... .......16. Sinskea
6. Leaf cells oval, each cell with a single papilla; setae elongate; capsules exserted............ 6. Chrysocladium
7. Leaves strongly auriculate at the base........................................................................................ 13. Neonoguchia
7. Leaves usually not auriculate, rarely with small auricles at the base................................................................... 8
8. Median leaf cells oval or elliptic, strongly thick-walled, porose; cilia developed............... 2. Aerobryopsis
8. Median leaf cells linear, rather thin- or moderately thick-walled; cilia rudimentary or rarely developed.. 9
9. Leaves abruptly constricted to a hairy apex; leaf cells unipapillose; cilia mostly rudimentary....................... 1. Aerobryidium
9. Leaves abruptly constricted to a shortly acuminate apex; leaf cells smooth; cilia often developed............... 3. Aerobryum
10. Plants rigid; leaves appressed when dry; leaf cells pluripapillose............................................................... 11
10. Plants soft; leaves not appressed or loose when dry; leaf cells unipapillose or 1–3-papillose ............... 12
11. Auricles large and coarsely dentate; leaf cells pluripapillose, with papillae arranged longitudinally on sides of
      cell walls; inner perichaetial leaves narrowly long-lanceolate, plicate............................. 7. Cryptopapillaria
11. Auricles small and not coarsely dentate; leaf cells pluripapillose, with papillae arranged over cell lumen; inner
      perichaetial leaves lanceolate, rarely plicate................................................................................. 14. Papillaria
 12. Leaves ecostate or with very weak double costate; leaf cells smooth or unipapillose............................ 13
 12. Leaves distinctly costate; leaf cells with 1–3 papillae............................................................................... 14
13. Leaves plane; leaf cells faintly unipapillose............................................................................... 5. Barbellopsis
13. Leaves concave; leaf cells smooth............................................................................................. 11. Neobarbella
 14. Leaf cells opaque........................................................................................................................................... 15
 14. Leaf cells pellucid......................................................................................................................................... 16
15. Leafy stems and branches complanate; papillae of leaf cells over lumen; calyptrae cucullate, hairy..............
..................................................................................................................................................... 8. Floribundaria
15. Leafy stems and branches not complanate; papillae of leaf cells longitudinally on side cell walls; calyptrae
      mitrate, not hairy.................................................................................................................... 18. Trachycladiella
  16. Stems and branches complanately foliate...................................................................... 15. Pseudobarbella
  16. Stems and branches not complanately foliate............................................................................................. 17
17. Branches without filiform ultimate portion....................................................................................... 4. Barbella
17. Branches with filiform ultimate portion................................................................................ 12. Neodicladiella
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