Plants in loose horizontal swards or growing among other bryophytes. Stems unbranched or sparingly branched, reddish; rhizoids papillose, forming tomentum in lower parts of plants; outer 1–3 layers of cortical cells small, incrassate, usually pigmented; inner cortical cells larger, thin-walled, hyaline; central strand not differentiated; axillary hairs filiform, to 9 cells long, basal cell light tan or hyaline or all cells light tan. Leaves imbricate, inserted obliquely in four rows, complanate, appearing distichous, strongly inequilateral, each divided by the costa into a larger convex part and a smaller concave part, decurrent, keeled; margin elimbate or limbate; costa percurrent to short-excurrent, uniformly stereid band of few cells surrounded by a layer of substereid, chlorophyllose surface cells; cells unistratose, smooth or unipapillose, incrassate, porose or non-porose, usually rounded-quadrate, to linear-rhomboidal. Propagula in terminal clusters, olive-green to red-brown, stalked, multicellular, filiform, ochreate, subtended by smaller, more or less equilateral, spirally arranged leaves, frequently in leaf axils. Dioicous. Perigonia bud-like, axillary; perichaetia terminal, without paraphyses, perichaetial leaves longer than stem leaves, more or less equilateral, spirally arranged. Setae single, elongate, erect orange-red to castaneous. Capsules erect, radially symmetric or nearly so, more or less globose; exothecial cells quadrate to irregularly hexagonal with evenly thickened walls; stomata phaneroporous, long-pored, irregularly oriented; opercula small, conic; annuli not differentiated; peristome diplolepidous, exostome teeth 16, short, papillose, inserted below the mouth, endostome apparently absent. Spores smooth. Calyptrae cucullate, smooth.