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!Breutelia auriculata E.B. Bartram Search in The Plant ListSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: The Bryologist 49: 115. 1946. (Bryologist) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/7/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project data     (Last Modified On 3/7/2011)
Discussion :

Breutelia auriculata is the only Central American species of Breutelia with long- decurrent leaves. All the lower leaf cells in this species are lax and enlarged. In young leaves these cells are hyaline, but in the older leaves they become reddish orange. Other noteworthy features of the species are its oblong-lanceolate leaves, plane leaf margins that are minutely serrulate, non-plicate leaf bases, and short, straight-walled upper leaf cells.

Illustrations : Bartram (1949, Fig. 92, A–C); Sharp et al. (1994, Fig. 412). Fig.192.
Habitat : On bluffs near stream and along road; 1300–1500 m.
Distribution in Central America : GUATEMALA. San Marcos: Croat 40980 (GUAT, MO, NY).
World Range : Central America.


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Breutelia auriculata Bartr., Bryologist 49: 115. 1946.

Protologue: Guatemala. Dept. San Marcos: Finca El Porvenir along Río Chopal, south facing slopes of Volcán Tajumulco, alt. 1300–1500 m., Steyermark 37462 (F, FH).

Plants robust, in loose, glossy, yellowish‑green or green tufts, to 12 cm high. Stems red,  hyalodermis and central strand present, densely tomentose below; rhizoids reddish brown, smooth to lightly roughened. Leaves 3–4 mm long, moderately to well-spaced, erect-spreading to spreading, weakly flexuose when dry, erect or erect-spreading when wet, straight, oblong-lanceolate, not plicate at base; apices gradually acuminate; margins plane, minutely serrulate, long-decurrent, decurrent cells lax and enlarged; costae percurrent to shortly excurrent; leaf cells with straight walls and papillae at upper ends, upper cells rectangular to long-rectangular, firm‑walled, 20–53 x 5–7.5 μm, all basal cells lax and inflated, 71 x 23 μm. Dioicous. Perigonia discoid. Setae flexuose, 12–14 mm long. Capsules inclined, 2.5–3 mm long, globose to subglobose, furrowed when dry, striate when wet; exothecial cells thin-walled; stomata numerous at base; opercula plano-convex; exostome teeth narrowly triangular, finely papillose below, coarsely papillose near tips, dorsal trabeculae faint, ventral trabeculae strongly thickened, endostome segments broad, yellowish, papillose, segments split along the median line and each half diverging toward the cilia. Spores reniform, 25 μm, coarsely papillose, red-brown.


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