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Published In: Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 85. 1856. (Coroll. Bryol. Eur.) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/7/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project data     (Last Modified On 3/7/2011)
Discussion :

Breutelia is a genus of robust plants found mostly at high elevations in the Neotropics. The genus has some distinctive, easy to recognize species, but most are taxonomically difficult. Two characters of critical taxonomic importance are leaf stance and the degree or type of alar region differentiation. Unfortunately, proper character state evaluation of these features often requires previous familiarity with the genus. There are two basic leaf stances: spreading from the insertion and sheathing at the base. This leaf stance distinction is used in the beginning of many keys to the species of Breutelia (Bartram 1949, Griffin 1994, Churchill & Linares 1995). It works tolerably well, but for some species it is difficult evaluate because the two forms grade into one another and sometimes both can be found within single collections. Likewise, the degree or type of alar region differentiation, which often involves subtle distinctions, can be difficult to evaluate because of variation both within and among collections. Proper evaluation of this last feature requires the examination of many leaves.

Breutelia is closely related to Philonotis, and although the two genera are generally easy to distinguish due to the larger size of Breutelia, technically, they are difficult to separate. Sporophytically, the genera are identical; gametophytically, only the larger size, generally narrower and longer leaf cells, consistently plicate leaf bases and differentiated alar cells of Breutelia separate the two genera. However, Philonotis approximates Breutelia in all these features; even their size distinction is blurred since large plants of Philonotis sphaericarpa (Hedw.) Brid. and small plants of Breutelia jamaicensis (Mitt.) Jaeg. overlap in size.


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Breutelia Schimp., Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 85. 1856.

Plants medium-sized to robust-sized, in loose tufts. Stems erect or decumbent, sometimes pendent, simple or irregularly branched. Leaves appressed, erect-spreading, squarrose or deflexed, plicate at base and sometimes throughout, spreading from the insertion or sheathing at base, lanceolate, obovate to oblong at base; apices narrowly acuminate; margins plane or revolute, serrate, serrulate, rarely entire; costae percurrent, short- or long-excurrent; upper cells short- to long-rectangular or elongate, thin-walled or incrassate, straight-walled or porose, mostly papillose, papillae from lower or both ends of the cells, rarely smooth, basal cells generally longer and narrower than upper cells, alar cells variously differentiated. Dioicous. Perigonia discoid. Setae straight or flexuose. Capsules horizontal to pendent, ovoid to subglobose, rugose or furrowed when dry; opercula plano-convex; peristome double, exostome teeth narrowly triangular, reddish orange, finely papillose below, coarsely papillose near tips, dorsal trabeculae faint, ventral trabeculae strongly thickened, endostome segments broad, nearly as long as the exostome, yellow to reddish yellow, papillose, segments split along the median line and each half diverging toward the cilia and sometimes uniting with the next one-half segment over, cilia rudimentary or well developed, 1–3, often fused. Spores reniform to subreniform, thickly papillose to warty, red-brown.



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