Breutelia reclinata Broth., Rev. Bryol. 47: 12. 1920.
Protologue: Ecuador. Prov. del Oriente. Ad rupes irroratas loco dicto "Churuk" prope El Paramo del Matanga frequenter; 3.000 m. [Allioni].
Breutelia anomala Williams, Bryologist 31: 112. 1928. Protologue: Peru. Upper course of the Rio Cabrado, 1200 ft. alt. Province La Convencion, Department of Cuzco, Peru. 1071 and 1073, C. Bües, Oct. 1920 (syntype Bües 1071, US), syn. nov.
Plants robust, in dense or loose, glossy, yellowish‑green or green tufts, to 25 cm high. Stems dark red, laxly ascending, hyalodermis and central strand present, moderately tomentose below; rhizoids reddish brown, smooth or roughened. Leaves 8–9 mm long, usually well-spaced, squarrose or deflexed from an erect, ovate, reddish orange, clasping base with 1–3 pairs of sulci at junction of the sheath and limb, plicate at base and lower limb, lanceolate above the base; apices long, slenderly acuminate, twisted when dry; margins plane or narrowly revolute, weakly serrulate; costae slender, percurrent to short-excurrent, roughened at back; cells papillose at lower ends, or from both ends, upper cells long-rectangular to elongate, incrassate and porose throughout, 37–63 x 2.5–5 μm, basal cells narrower and more elongate, to 88 μm, incrassate and porose throughout; alar region undifferentiated or with 1–2 short-rectangular cells at extreme basal angle, all cells incrassate and porose. Sporophytes not seen. “Setae 25 mm long, capsule horizontal, oblong-pyriform, 55 [sic] mm long x 2 mm wide, furrowed when dry, intact peristome not seen” (Griffin 1988).