!Pseudocrossidium replicatum (Taylor) R.H. Zander Search in The Plant ListSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font
Literature Based Distribution
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Country UpperLowerAuthorYearArticle TitlePublicationCollation
ArgentinaTownsend, C. C.1984 [1985]A small collection of mosses from Jebel Marra, Sudan RepublicLindbergia10: 175–180
BrazilForzza, R. C.2010(none)Lista de espécies Flora do Brasilhttp://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/2010
KenyaTownsend, C. C.1984 [1985]A small collection of mosses from Jebel Marra, Sudan RepublicLindbergia10: 175–180
MexicoZander, R. H.1994Pseudocrossidium in A. J. Sharp et al. (editors), Moss Flora of MexicoMem. New York Bot. Gard.69: 296–299
MexicoDurangoMapimiDuarte-Hernández, M., G. Muro-Pérez, A. E. Estrada-Castillón & J. Sánchez-Salas2023Bryofloristic diversity of the Puente de Ojuela tourist area, in the sierra of Mapimí, Durango, MexicoEcosist. Recur. Agropec.10(3): e3464 [1–11]
MexicoOaxacaDelgadillo Moya, C. & Á. Cárdenas Soriano2011Bryophyta (Musci)Divers. Floríst. Oaxaca137–148, color photos on pp. 65–66
SudanTownsend, C. C.1984 [1985]A small collection of mosses from Jebel Marra, Sudan RepublicLindbergia10: 175–180
United StatesArizonaFlora of North America Editorial Committee2007Bryophytes: MossesFl. N. Amer.27: i–xxi, 1–713
United StatesNew MexicoStark, L. R. & R. C. Castetter1982A preliminary list of bryophytes from the Organ Mountains, New Mexico.Bryologist85: 307–311
United StatesNew MexicoEckel, P. M.1986Weissia phascopsis (= Astomum phascoides) new to the moss flora of New Mexico, with additional county recordsEvansia3: 44–45
United StatesNew MexicoFlora of North America Editorial Committee2007Bryophytes: MossesFl. N. Amer.27: i–xxi, 1–713
United StatesTexasFlora of North America Editorial Committee2007Bryophytes: MossesFl. N. Amer.27: i–xxi, 1–713
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