Literature Based Distribution
Mapping will be based on a standard reference mark based on political units when available.
China | | | Piippo, S. | 1990 | Annotated catalogue of Chinese Hepaticae and Anthocerotae | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. | 68: 1–192 |
India | Andhra Pradesh | | Sreenath, A. & B. R. P. Rao | 2020 | Eleven species of liverworts as new distributional records to bryoflora Andhra Pradesh, India | Biosci. Discovery | 11(3): 111–120 |
India | Nagaland | | Sahu, V., A. K. Asthana & K. K. Rawat | 2023 | On recent survey of liverworts and hornworts (Bryophyta) of Nagaland, India | Int. J. Pl. Environ. | 9(3): 251–260 |
Vietnam | | | Zheng, T.-X., Y. Inoue, N. K. T. Trầm, T. L. Nguyễn & T. T. Lương | 2024 | Asterella khasyana (Aytoniaceae) new to Vietnam, with a key to Vietnamese species | Acta Phytotax. Geobot. | 75(2): 117–126 |