Asterella butleri (Steph.) Parihar
Long, D. G. 2006. Revision of the genus Asterella P. Beauv. in Eurasia. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 63: 1–299.
Asterella papulosa (Steph.) Kachroo
Long, D. G. 2006. Revision of the genus Asterella P. Beauv. in Eurasia. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 63: 1–299.
Asterella shimizuana Inoue
Grolle, R. & S. Piippo. 1984. Annotated catalogue of western Melanesian bryophytes. I. Hepaticae and Antocerotae. Acta Bot. Fenn. 125: 86 pp.
Asterella zollingeri (Steph.) Verd.
Long, D. G. 2006. Revision of the genus Asterella P. Beauv. in Eurasia. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 63: 1–299.
Söderström, L., S. R. Gradstein & A. Hagborg. 2010. Checklist of the hornworts and liverworts of Java. Phytotaxa 9: 53–149.
Fimbraria butleri Steph.
Long, D. G. 2006. Revision of the genus Asterella P. Beauv. in Eurasia. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 63: 1–299.
Fimbraria khasyana (Griff.) Mitt.
Long, D. G. 2006. Revision of the genus Asterella P. Beauv. in Eurasia. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 63: 1–299.
Piippo, S. 1990. Annotated catalogue of Chinese Hepaticae and Anthocerotae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68: 1–192.
Fimbraria papulosa Steph.
Long, D. G. 2006. Revision of the genus Asterella P. Beauv. in Eurasia. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 63: 1–299.
Fimbraria zollingeri Steph.
Long, D. G. 2006. Revision of the genus Asterella P. Beauv. in Eurasia. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 63: 1–299.
Söderström, L., S. R. Gradstein & A. Hagborg. 2010. Checklist of the hornworts and liverworts of Java. Phytotaxa 9: 53–149.
Hypenantron venosum fo. purpurascens Schiffn.
Long, D. G. 2006. Revision of the genus Asterella P. Beauv. in Eurasia. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 63: 1–299.
Hypenantron venosum fo. viride Schiffn.
Long, D. G. 2006. Revision of the genus Asterella P. Beauv. in Eurasia. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 63: 1–299.
Hypenantron venosum var. macrosporum Schiffn.
Long, D. G. 2006. Revision of the genus Asterella P. Beauv. in Eurasia. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 63: 1–299.
Hypenantron zollingeri (Steph.) Schiffn.
Long, D. G. 2006. Revision of the genus Asterella P. Beauv. in Eurasia. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 63: 1–299.
Söderström, L., S. R. Gradstein & A. Hagborg. 2010. Checklist of the hornworts and liverworts of Java. Phytotaxa 9: 53–149.
Hypenantron zollingeri fo. purpurascens Schiffn.
Söderström, L., S. R. Gradstein & A. Hagborg. 2010. Checklist of the hornworts and liverworts of Java. Phytotaxa 9: 53–149.
Hypenantron zollingeri fo. typica Schiffn.
Söderström, L., S. R. Gradstein & A. Hagborg. 2010. Checklist of the hornworts and liverworts of Java. Phytotaxa 9: 53–149.
Octokepos khasyanus Griff.
Long, D. G. 2006. Revision of the genus Asterella P. Beauv. in Eurasia. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 63: 1–299.