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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/21/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/21/2013)
Species Godmania aesculifolia (H.B.K.) Standl.
PlaceOfPublication Standl. & Calderon, Lista Prelim. P1. El Salvador 200. 1925.
Synonym Bignonia aesculifolia H.B.K., Nov. Gen. Sp. P1. 3: 140. 1819. TYPE: Mexico, Guerrero, Humboldt & Bonpland 3902 (P). Tecoma digitata H.B.K., Nov. Gen. Sp. P1. 3: 142. 1819. TYPE: Colombia, Santa Cruz, Humboldt & Bonpland 321 (P). Tecoma fuscata Moc. ex DC., Prodr. 9: 218. 1845. TYPE: (not seen). Tecoma? aesculifolia (H.B.K.) DC., Prodr. 9: 221. 1845. Cybistax macrocarpa Benth. in Benth. & Hook., Gen. P1. 2: 1043. 1876. TYPE: Panama, near Panama and Rio Grande Station, Hayes 61 (BM, K, P). Godmania macrocarpa (Benth.) Hemsl., Diag. P1. Mex. Centr. Amer. 2: 35. 1879. Tabebuia aesculifolia (H.B.K.) Hemsl., Biol. Centr. Amer. Bot. 2: 494. 1882. Tabebuia fuscata (Moc. ex DC.) Hemsl., Biol. Centr. Amer. Bot. 2: 494. 1882. Godmania uleana Kranzl., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 379. 1915. TYPE: Brazil, Rio Branco, Ule 7696 (US). 
Description Small to medium-sized tree to 13 m tall and 30 cm d.b.h; bark smooth to longitudinally ridged; twigs puberulous to subpuberulous, terete, thick with a large pith, foul-smelling when broken (as the inner bark) with an odor rem- iniscent of horse urine. Leaves digitately (5-)7-9-foliolate; the leaflets more or less obovate or oblanceolate, acute, attenuate-cuneate, membranaceous, secondary veins 7-13 on a side, above and beneath simple puberulous especially along veins, densely impressed-lepidote, usually with a few plate-shaped glands along the midvein beneath, drying more or less olive above and brownish beneath, the terminal leaflet 8.2-16.5 cm long and 3.1-7.2 cm wide, the first intermediate pair 6.7-17.5 cm long and 2.5-7.0 cm wide, the second pair 5-15.2 cm long and 2-5.6 cm wide, the third pair 2.7-6.5 cm long and 0.9-2.9 cm wide, the fourth pair when present smaller, the terminal to basal petiolules 0.2-2.3 cm, 0.2-1.6 cm, 0.2-0.9 cm, and 0.2-0.7 cm long respectively; petiole 6.6-15.5 cm long, puberulous as the petiolules. Inflorescence a flat-topped, terminal panicle of few to many flowers, its branches puberulous. Flowers with a musky odor, only a few opening at a time; calyx widely campanulate, shortly 5-lobed, lepidote and simple-puberu- lent, 1-2 mm long and 2-4 mm wide; corolla yellow ventrally and orangish-brown dorsally outside, inside the ventral throat and most of the lower 3 lobes yellow, the dorsal 2 lobes brownish at the edges of the lower 3 lobes and the dorsal part of the throat, urceolate, 1.0-1.6 cm long and 7-8 mm wide, the tube 9-10 mm long, the upper 2 lobes 0.2-0.3 cm long, the 3 lower lobes 0.4-0.3 cm long, simple- puberulent outside, short-pubescent inside on the edges of the lobes with long, simple trichomes on the lower lobe, in the floor of throat, and sparsely at the level of stamen insertion; stamens didynamous, the anther thecae divaricate, pubescent, less than 1 mm long, the filaments pubescent, the longer pair 0.8-1.0 cm long, the shorter pair 0.6-0.7 cm long, the staminode 0.4 cm long, inserted 1-3 mm from base of corolla tube; pistil curved to fit against the corolla roof, 1.1 cm long, the ovary linear-conical, 2 mm long, 1 mm wide, strongly lepidote and somewhat simple-puberulous, the ovules multiseriate; disc pulvinate, inconspicu- ous, 0.5 mm long and 1.5 mm wide. Capsule linear, corkscrew-twisted, 45-100 cm long and 0.9-1.5 cm wide, terete, longitudinally finely ridged, somewhat sim- ple-puberulous; seeds thin, bialate, 0.9-1.5 cm long and 7.0-13.5 cm wide, the wings hyaline-membranaceous, sharply demarcated, narrow, long, irregular- ended.
Habit tree
Note A tree of the tropical dry forest and premontane moist forest, this species also occurs less commonly in drier parts of the tropical moist forest. It ranges from Mexico to Brazil and Bolivia. It flowers primarily in the dry season, and fruit set is in middle or late dry season. The tiny flowers (less than 1.6 cm) are the smallest of the neotropical Tecomeae and are distinctive in shape and color pattern. The spirally twisted fruit is unique among mainland Bignoniaceae (Spirotecoma of the West Indies has a similar fruit). The leaves vary extensively in shape and amount of pu- bescence, but the attenuate more or less apetiolular leaflet base is a fairly constant distinguishing character. Another field character, especially useful when the tree is leafless, is the rank odor of the broken twigs.
Distribution ranges from Mexico to Brazil and Bolivia.
Specimen CANAL ZONE: Vicinity of Summit, Allen 4492 (GH, MO, P, U, US). Near beach at Fort Kobbe, Duke 4244 (K, MO). NE of Summit, Fosberg 27394 (NY). W end of Thatcher Ferry Bridge, Gentry 1394 (MO). Pipeline Road, Gentry 2096 (MO). Near City of Panama, Hayes 61 (BM). Near Gamboa, Pittier 3703 (GH, NY, US). Las Sabanas, Pittier 6720 (C, NY). Pittier 7002 (US). Near Balboa, Standley 29238, 32130 (both US). Chiva Chiva Trail, Tyson 1335 (MO, SCZ). Albrook Air Force Base, Tyson 2041 (SCZ). Chiva Chiva Trail, Tyson & Blum 3569 (GH, MO, SCZ). Curundu, Tyson & Dwyer 4456 (GH, MO, NY, SCZ, US). Near bridge between "our" island and mainland, White 105 (GH, MO, US). CHIRIQUI: Vicinity of Boquete, Allen 1018 (MO). W of Rio Chorchita, Gentry 5851 (MO). DARIEN: Sexton 116 (MO). HERBERA: La Cabuya, Las Minas, Lao 140 (MO). PANAMA: Below El Valle, Gentry & Dwyer 3675 (MO). Near Panamai, Hayes 61 (BM, K, P). Pedregal, Ciudad de Panama, Holdridge 6505 (MO, PMA). N of Panama City, Paul 455 (US). Juan Diaz, Standley 30594 (US). Rio Tapia, Standley 30678 (US). Nuevo San Francisco, Standley 30699 (US). Between Las Sabanas and Matias Hernandez, Standley 31816, 31845 (both US). VERAGUAS: NE of La Mesa, Blum & Tyson 654 (MO, SCZ). WITHOUT LOCALITY: Duchaissing s.n. (CGH); Grisebach s.n. (MO).
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