(Last Modified On 5/21/2013)
(Last Modified On 5/21/2013)
Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D. Don
Edinburg Phil. Jour. 9: 267. 1823.
Bignonia copaia Aubl., Hist. P1. Guiane Fr. 2: 650, tab. 262, fig. 1, tab. 265. 1775. TYPE: French Guiana, Aublet s.n. (P-AD, 12304). Bignonia procera Willd., Sp. P1. 3: 307. 1801. TYPE: Based on B. copaia Aubl. Jacaranda procera (Willd.) R. Br., Bot. Mag. tab. 2327. 1822. Jacaranda spectabilis Mart. ex DC., Prodr. 9: 229. 1845. TYPE: Brazil, Amazonas, Martius, 1819 (M). Jacaranda superba Pittier, Bol. Soc. Venez. Ci. Nat. 6: 19. 1940. TYPE: Venezuela, Bolivar, Llewelyn Williams 11537 (US).
Tree to 45 cm d.b.h. and 45 m tall, the trunk usually unbranched for most of its length and often somewhat flattened, young trees unbranched with a cluster of giant leaves at top, bark gray, smooth; twigs lepidote, subtetragonal, drying brown or blackish, the pith large, sometimes hollowed by ants. Leaves pinnately bicompound, 15-165 cm long, with 5-20 pinnae, each pinna 5-35 cm long with essentially wingless rachis and 5-25 sessile leaflets, these 1.5-8 cm long and 0.8-2.5 cm wide, asymmetrically rhombic-elliptic, acute to acuminate, asymmetrically attenuate, membranaceous, secondary veins 3-5 on one side and 4-6 on the other, lepidote with scabrous to puberulous midvein above and be- neath; drying dark brown above, olive beneath, petiole 3.5-29 cm long, the petiolules 2.5-4 cm long, petiole and petiolules lepidote to subpuberulous as on the main and lateral rachises. Inflorescence a narrow terminal panicle, its branches lepidote and subpuberulous to puberulous. Flowers with the calyx cupular, more or less truncate with 5 subequal teeth, pubescent with simple or branched trichomes, 5-7 mm long and 3-5 mm wide, eglandular; corolla purplish- blue outside and on the lobes and abaxially on the throat inside, white adaxially on the throat inside and at the base of 2 adaxial lobes, tubular-campanulate above a 7-10 mm x 3-4 mm basal constriction, 3.2-5.0 cm long and 0.8-1.9 cm wide at the mouth, the tube 2.3-3.7 cm long, the lobes 0.3-1.4 mm long, densely puber- ulent outside with simple, forked, and mostly short dendroid trichomes, the lobes dendroid pubescent inside, the tube glabrous adaxially and pubescent with mostly simple or forked trichomes abaxially, pubescent with gland-tipped trichomes at the level of stamen insertion; stamens didynamous, the anthers 1-thecate, 1.5-2.0 mm long, the anterior filaments 1.1-1.3 cm long, the posterior filaments 0.8-1.0 cm long, inserted 7-10 mm from the base of the tube, the staminode 2.4-2.7 cm long, bifurcate at the tip, glandular-pubescent with long simple trichomes on the tip and central portion; pistil 1.5-1.8 cm long, the ovary flattened-cylindrical, 2-2.5 mm long and 2-2.5 mm wide, 1.5 mm thick, glabrous, the ovules more or less 8-seriate in each locule; disc pulvinate, 1 mm long and 2.5 mm wide. Capsule compressed-oblong, the margins straight, not wavy, 6.2-12.7 cm long and 3.3-6.0 cm wide, somewhat lepidote to glabrous, drying brown or blackish; seeds small- bodied with a surrounding suborbicular wing, 1.0-2.0 cm long and 1.7-2.8 cm wide, the body 3-5 mm long and 3-4 mm wide, the wing hyaline-membra- naceous, with radial brownish striations, clearly demarcated from the seed body.
This is a widespread tree of the tropical moist forest, premontane wet forest, and tropical wet forest. It ranges from British Honduras to Brazil, Peru, and the Guianas. It flowers during the dry season from February to April, and seed release is in mid wet season in late July and early August. Juvenile trees are
ranges from British Honduras to Brazil, Peru, and the Guianas.
extremely abundant in second growth situations and are one of the characteristic elements of wet forest second growth. Their terminal tuft of leaves on a long slender stem (a habit shared with juveniles of Schizolobium parahybum (Vell.) Blake, which are common in the same associations) provides part of the typical physiognomy of young second growth. In mature forest young trees survive only in tree-fall clearings, although seedlings sprout under the forest canopy. The cupular calyx of this species distinguishes it from the other Central American species of Jacaranda. Its larger leaflets also distinguish it vegetatively from J. caucana and the cultivated J. mimosifolia.
BOCAS DEL TORO: Region of Almirante, Cooper s.n. (F). CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Croat 6782 (MO, NY, SCZ), 7888 (MO, SCZ), 10187, 10820, 11331, 12196, 15585, 16211A, 16518A (all MO); Foster 1429 (MO, PMA); Gentry 425 (MO, WIS); Kenoyer 525 (US); Shattuck 197 (A, MO), 672, 781 (both MO); Standley 41025 (US); Wetmore & Abbe 104 (A, GH, MO); Zetek 5085 (MO). Near Pedro Miguel, Allen 729 (A, -GH, MO, US), 4465 (NY), 4466 (GH, U). Vicinity of Madden Dam, Allen 4467 (K, MO). Monte Lirio, Christopherson 121 (NY, US). Las Cruces trail in Madden Forest, Gentry 1377 (MO), 1957 (MO, SCZ). Pipeline Road, Gentry 1798 (MO). Paraiso Station, Panama Railroad, Hayes 627 (BM, BR, K). Summit, Higgins 309 (US). N of Frijoles, Standley 27513 (US). COLON: Santa Rita Ridge, Gentry 1867 (MO). DARIEN: Vicinity of Pinogana, Allen 4431 (K, MO, US). Near Santa Fe, Duke 12281 (MO). S of La Palma, Gentry 4294 (MO). Near Cerro Pirre on Rio Parasenico, Gentry 4717 (MO). Piriaque at River Lara, Tyson et al. 4759, 4768 (both SCZ). PANAMA': Vicinity of National Airport E of Panama City, Allen 4460 (BM, BR, MO). Cerro Campana, Gentry 1828 (MO). Cerro Jefe, Gentry 2105 (MO). Rio Maestra, Gentry 2217, 2218 (both MO). Rio Pasiga, Gentry 2255, 2269 (both MO). Rio Agua Clara, Gentry 2603 (MO). Along trail between Rio Espave and Rio Bayano, Gentry 7752 (MO). 10-15 km from Rio Bayano crossing on trail to Santa Fe, Gentry 3820 (MO). Between Rio Sulugandi and Rio Espave, Gentry 4982 (MO). W of El Llano on road to Carti, Gentry 5089 (MO). San Jose Island, Johnston 635 (GH). SAN BLAS: Perme, Cooper 631 (BM, K, NY, US). Mountains above Puerto Obaldia, Gentry 1490 (MO). Mainland opposite Playon Chico, Gentry 6370 (MO).
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