1. Carya Nutt. (hickory)
Twigs with the
pith solid and homogeneous in texture. Leaflets (3–)5–13 per leaf, the largest
leaflets often near the leaf tip, less commonly uniform in size or the median
leaflets slightly larger than the others. Staminate catkins in clusters,
sessile or stalked; each flower with 3–10(–15) stamens. Fruits with the husk
splitting longitudinally for at least half of the fruit length, releasing the
nut. Nuts often with 4 longitudinal ridges, the surface otherwise smooth or
shallowly wrinkled. About 17 species, eastern U.S., Canada, Mexico, Asia.
Hickory nuts are
composed of a large seed surrounded by several layers of tissue. The fleshy to
leathery or somewhat woody husk of the hickory nut develops from the fused
bractlets associated with each flower that become enlarged and thickened as the
fruit matures. The husk splits and separates from the fruit. The fruit wall is
hard (bony) and is known as the shell of the nut; it remains indehiscent and
fused to the seed.
Species of Carya
fall into two well-defined groups: the pecans (section Apocarya C. DC.,
including species 1, 2, and 4 below),with bud scales not overlapping, more
numerous leaflets, and seeds that are often bitter; and the hickories (section Carya,
including species 3 and 5–9) with strongly overlapping bud scales, fewer
leaflets, and seeds that are always sweet-tasting.
The true
hickories, not the pecans, were the staple plant food of many Missouri cultures
for thousands of years (from about 6500 B.C. to 500 A.D.). The seeds are oily,
and are rich sources of lipids, fiber, and starch. The protein content is
moderate, and the amino-acid content of the protein is well balanced for human
consumption. Unlike some other nuts, hickories do not need to be cooked or
leached before eating. Hickories set seed in the fall; they are easy to gather
and store, and are abundant in most years. Once the nut is free from the husk,
it is impossible to remove it intact from the hard inner shell. Native
Americans apparently smashed the nut, removed the large fragments of shell, and
ground the nutmeat into a paste, so that smaller fragments of shell were finely
ground and not troublesome. Contemporary Americans, with their preference for
intact nuts, almost never eat hickories, and only the pecan, Carya
illinoinensis, is much used now for human food.
Hickory nuts
remain very important as an abundant and nutritious wildlife food. The wood of Carya
spp. is strong and stands up well to impact and other shocks. It is widely used
for tool handles, ladder rungs, baseball bats, agricultural implements, and
other uses requiring shock resistance. It is also widely used for smoking
Hickories are
important street trees throughout the state. Their attractive form and often
striking golden yellow fall color make them very desirable as street and park
trees, but like oaks, the seedling forms a long taproot that makes
transplantation difficult. Thus, although several of the species are available
commercially, hickories are underutilized in the nursery trade.