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!Leontopodium R. Br. ex Cass. Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in Index Nominum Genericorum (ING)Search in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Bulletin des Sciences, par la Societe Philomatique 1819: 144. 1819. (Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
General/Distribution: A medium sized genus with c. 30 species distributed in Europe, Asia and N America. Represented in Pakistan by 8 species. Leontopodium is an intricate genus, probably most of the species are apomictic. Little work has been done on our Himalayan plants. It is difficult to construct a satisfactory key as most of the specis are highly variable. Experimental and field studies are needed to resolve the problem.


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Perennial, tufted or stonoliferous, usually densely white tomentose, herbs. Leaves alternate, simple, entire, cauline ones few to many, basal leaves usually in rosettes. Capitula terminal, solitary or in clusters of 3-12 (-20), usually surrounded by conspicuous spreading bracts, different in colour, texture of the indumentum and size from cauline leaves, forming a star-like structure, rarely neither a star like structure formed nor the bracts different from the cauline leaves (L. nanum). Florets unisexual, capitula usually either discoid and dioecious or disciform. Involucre campanulate; phyllaries dark brownish, pluriseriate. Receptacle flat or convex, epalaceous. Marginal florets female outnumbering the central florets, filiform, corolla yellow, 3-4 toothed, disc florets functionally male, tubular-campanulate, corolla yellow 5-toothed. Anthers linear, caudate. Cypselas oblong-ellipsoid, sparsely hairy to glabrous with short clavate or myxogenic twin hairs; pappus setae barbellate, basally connate, deciduous.

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1 Inflorescence bracts spreading forming a star-like structure, distinctly differing in colour, texture of indumentum or at least in size from the cauline leaves. (2)
+ Inflorescence bracts neither forming a star-like structure nor differing from the other cauline leaves. Leontopodium nanum
2 (1) Plants not as above. Floriferous stalk thick. Leaves covered by ash white tomentum. (3)
+ Mat forming herbs with very slender, floriferous stalks. Leaves densely covered with long yellowish, grey tomentum. Leontopodium monocephalum
3 (2) Stem (6-) 10-30 cm long. Capitula usually more than 5. (4)
+ Stem 1-3 (-5) cm long. Capitula 1-3. Leontopodium pusillum
4 (3) Plants with stolons. Stolons usually elongate, naked or bearing scattered, recurved scales, small spreading leaves. Cypsela usually papillose or hairy. (5)
+ Plants tufted or caespitose with replacement shoots, erect, short, crowded, sheathed by brownish, old leaf bases. Cypselae usually glabrous. (6)
5 (4) 5. + Basal rosette of leaves spathulate, obtuse. Inflorescence bracts not different from the cauline leaves in colour and texture of indumentum except the size; lanceolate. 5. L. brachyactis Leontopodium brachyactis
+ Basal rosette of leaves lanceolate or linear lanceolate, acute. Inflorescence bracts usually different in colour and texture of indumentum, from the other cauline leaves, lanceolate to oblong elliptic. Leontopodium jacotianum
6 (4) Capitula 5-7 mm in diameter. Leaves linear, oblong to spathulate. (7)
+ Capitula 7-9 mm in diameter. Leaves linear. Leontopodium linearifolium
7 (6) Cauline leaves oblong-lanceolate to spathulate, obtuse to subacute. Involucral bracts 13-35 mm long (1-2 x diameter across the cluster of capitula). Leontopodium leontopodinum
+ Cauline leaves linear-spathulate, acute to subobtuse. Involucral bracts 30-50 mm long (2-4 x diameter across the cluster of capitula). Leontopodium himalayanum
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