Perennial, tufted or stonoliferous, usually densely white tomentose, herbs. Leaves alternate, simple, entire, cauline ones few to many, basal leaves usually in rosettes. Capitula terminal, solitary or in clusters of 3-12 (-20), usually surrounded by conspicuous spreading bracts, different in colour, texture of the indumentum and size from cauline leaves, forming a star-like structure, rarely neither a star like structure formed nor the bracts different from the cauline leaves (L. nanum). Florets unisexual, capitula usually either discoid and dioecious or disciform. Involucre campanulate; phyllaries dark brownish, pluriseriate. Receptacle flat or convex, epalaceous. Marginal florets female outnumbering the central florets, filiform, corolla yellow, 3-4 toothed, disc florets functionally male, tubular-campanulate, corolla yellow 5-toothed. Anthers linear, caudate. Cypselas oblong-ellipsoid, sparsely hairy to glabrous with short clavate or myxogenic twin hairs; pappus setae barbellate, basally connate, deciduous.