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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/18/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/18/2013)
Genus STANHOPEA Frost ex Hook.
PlaceOfPublication Bot. Mag. t. 2948, 2949. 1829
Reference Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 3:549. 1883.
Synonym Ceratochilus Lindl. in Lodd. Bot. Cab. 15: t. I414. 1828, non Blume. Stanhopeastrum Rchb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:927. 1852.
Description Epiphytic herbs with ovoid or subcylindric, more or less ridged pseudobulbs, the apex with a single broad, petiolate, plicate, strongly veined, elliptic-lanceolate leaf. Inflorescences short, pendulous racemes from the base of the pseudobulbs, the rachis enveloped in several broad, papery, imbricating bracts. Flowers usually large, conspicuous, 2 to about 9, on long pedicels, each shielded by a broad, papery, spathaceous bract. The genus is divided into two very distinct sections, ECORNUTA and EUSTANHOPEA, based on the structure of the lip. In both sections sepals membranaceous and concave, the dorsal sepal free and erect, the laterals broader, reflexed and connate at the base. Petals membranaceous, subequal to the dorsal sepal, but usually narrower, with undulate margins. In ECORNUTA: lip essentially simple and undivided, adnate to the base of the column, with an inflated, very fleshy, saccate or calceiform, basal claw or hypochile, surmounted by a much-reduced and confluent apical lobe. In EUSTANHOPEA: fleshy lip complexly 2- or 3-parted, inserted on the base of the column, usually divided into a subsaccate or cymbiform, basal claw or hypochile, with or without short, broad teeth on the inner margins of the basal concavity; a short mid-section or mesochile sometimes simple but more frequently with short or elongate, usually falcately incurved, acuminate, lateral horns, and an apical lobe or epichile which usually is articulated to the apex of the mesochile, entire and spreading, or 3-lobed and variously shaped. In both sections column elongate, somewhat arcuate, with or without broad lateral wings. Anther terminal, operculate, incumbent, 1-celled; pollinia 2, waxy.
Note A remarkable genus mostly of large-flowered American epiphytes, ranging from southern Mexico to Peru and Brazil. Many species have been described, often based on inadequate dried material or isolated specimens flowering in European greenhouses. Undoubtedly comparison of type material would reduce the present inflated list of names to about eight valid species. So far as can be determined from available material, four entities have been found thus far in Panama.
Key a. Lip simple, undivided (Section ECORNUTA) ......................................... 3. S. PULLA aa. Lip complexly 3-parted (Section EUSTANHOPEA) b. Hypochile cymbiform, broadly elliptic-lunate in profile, distinctly longer than broad, the inner margins of the basal concavity entire.... 2. S. OCULATA bb. Hypochile inflated, saccate or subsaccate, geniculate or broadly obovate in profile, about as long as broad, or scarcely longer, the inner margins of the basal concavity with short, broad teeth. c. Hypochile in profile geniculate, somewhat longer than broad, the apex oblique, the lateral margins of the canal closely appressed ...... 4. S. WARDII cc. Hypochile in profile obovate, not geniculate, about as broad as long, the apex abruptly truncate and concave, the lateral margins of the canal spreading .............. 1. S. GRAVEOLENS
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