(Last Modified On 10/16/2012)
(Last Modified On 10/16/2012)
Icon. Gram. Austr. 4:14. P1. 24. 1809.
Neeragrostis Bush, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 13:178. 1903.
Spikelets few- to many-flowered, the rachilla disarticulating above the glumes and between the florets, or continuous, the lemmas deciduous, the paleas persistent; glumes acute or acuminate, 1-nerved, or the second rarely 3-nerved, much shorter than the spikelet; lemmas acute or acuminate, keeled or rounded on the back, 3- nerved, the nerves prominent or sometimes obscure; palea 2-nerved, often ciliate on the keels.
Annuals or perennials with open or contracted panicles of small or rather large spikelets.
a. Plants annual. b. Palea prominently ciliate on the keels. Low delicate grasses. c. Panicles open, loose, the branches spreading -. I. E. AMABILIS cc. Panicles dense, spike-like, the branches closely appressed -. E. CILIARIS bb. Palea not prominently ciliate on the keels. c. Culms creeping, freely branching, forming dense soft mats - 3. E. HYPNOIDES cc. Culms not creeping or forming mats, erect or geniculate at the lower nodes. d. Spikelets grayish-green, pedicellate in open panicles, the lemmas subobtuse -4. E. TEPHROSANTHOS dd. Spikelets pale, tinged with red or reddish-brown, subsessile, fascicled on the branches. e. Lemmas 2-2.5 mm. long, abruptly acute; spikelets mostly 6-10 mm. long -------------5. E. MAYPURENSIS ee. Lemmas 5 mm. long, gradually narrowed from the base; spikelets 10-3 0 mm. long - 6. E. SIMPLICIFLORA aa. Plants perennial. b. Culms 15-60 cm. high, slender; spikelets 4-5 mm. long, 6-12- flowered - -- --7. E. ACUTIFLORA bb. Culms 1-2 m. high, relatively stout; spikelets 5-10 mm. long, 10-1 6-flowered --_ - _ - _ 8. E. DOMINGENSIS
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