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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/25/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/25/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Sp. PI. 218. 1753.
Synonym Morocarpus Adans. Fain. 2:261. 1763. Anserina Dumort. Fl. BeIg. 21. 1827. Teloxys Moq. in Ann. Sci. Nat. 21:289. 1834. Agathophytum Moq. loc. cit. 21:291. 1834. Roubieva Moq. loc. cit. 21:292. 1834. Oligandra Less. in Linnaea 9:199. 1834. non Ofigandra Less. 1832. Orthosporum T. Ness, Gen. Fl. Germ. Dicot. 1: pl. 57. 1835. Ambri-na Spach, Hist. Veg. 5:295. 1836. Botrydium Spach, loc. cit. 5:298. 1836. Lipandra Moq. Chenop. Enum. 19. 1840. Gandriloa Steud. Nom. Bot. 21:662. 1840. Oliganthera Endl. Gen. 1377. 1841. Oxybasis Kar. & Kir. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 1841:73 8. 1841. Orthospermum Opiz, Seznam 70. 1852. Vulvaria Bubani, Fl. Pyren. 1:174. 1897. Botrys Nieuwl. in Am. Midi. Nat. 3:274. 1914.
Description Flowers perfect or rarely unisexual, sessile or subsessile, ebracteate. Sepals (3-) 5, hypogynous, free or basally united, herbaceous, subequal, often strongly 1-ribbed and cucullate. Stamens 5 or fewer, occasionally varying in number in different flowers of the same inflorescence, the flattened filaments free or basally connate, the anthers mostly suborbicular, introrse, dorso-medially attached. Ovary sub- globose, the stigmata 2 (-5), filiform or subulate, mostly sessile or subsessile. Fruit an indehiscent utricle, ovoid to subglobose, the pericarp membranaceous to carnose, free or adherent to the single seed; seeds mostly cochleate-lenticular, smooth to roughened, vertically or horizontally oriented. Annual or perennial often strong- scented herbs. Leaves alternate, entire to pinnatifid, the lowermost at least usually petiolate, frequently glandular or farinose. Inflorescences of terminal or axillary glomerules, the glomerules variously arranged.
Distribution Consisting of about a hundred weedy species, Chenopodiumn is a rather cosmo- politan assemblage of meager economic importance.
Note Various species are used in Central America and elsewhere as potherbs, condiments and vermifuges. Three easily differentiated species are presently known to occur in Panama, but several others occur in Central America north of Panama.
Key a. Plants farinose, never with oil glands on the leaves and inflorescence; seeds horizontal, dull or lustrous, 1-1.5 mm. broad, the circular embryo completely encircling the endosperm. b. Leaf blades rhombic, dentate; sepals merely 1-ribbed; seeds dull, tuberculate, 1.2-1.5 mm. broad, the margins acute; pericarp adherent to the seeds . ,,,-,,..,,, ..,,....,, .. 1. C. MURALE bb. Leaf blades lance-linear to oblong, entire; sepals carinate; seeds lustrous, smooth, 1-1.2 mm. broad, the margins obtuse; pericarp free of the seeds. C ............ ................... ................. ...... 2. C. PRATrRTcOlA aa. Plants glandular, with resinous dots on the leaves and inflorescence; seeds horizontal and vertical, lustrous, 0.6-0.8 mm. broad, the hippo- crepiform embryo incompletely encircling the endospern36.. C... AMBROSIOiDrS
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