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Published In: Botanical Register; consisting of coloured . . . 7: sub pl. 573 [as "578"]. 1821. (1 Oct 1821) (Bot. Reg.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
Contributor Text: J. RENZ
General/Distribution: A large pantropical genus with c. 200 species, 3 occuring in Pakistan.


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Plants terrestrial with usually tuberous rhizome (corm) or pseudo-bulbous stem. Leaves coaetaneus or appearing after the flowers, plicate, long and narrow. Inflorescence lateral, simple or branched. Flowrs resupinate, variable in size and color. Sepals free, ± spreading. Labellum saccate or with a short spur, entire or 3-lobed, with crests on the upper surface. Column usually ± long, produced into a short foot or not, sometimes winged; anther terminal, incumbent, 2-celled; pollinia 2, ± cleft, waxy, attached to short, broad stipe with a discoid viscid gland; stigma entire. Ovary with a pedicel.

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1 Flowers appearing long before leaves. Inflorescence always unbranched (2)
+ Flowers and leaves ± coaetaneus. Inflorescence usually branched 1 Eulophia graminea
2 (1) Midlobe of labellum yellow. Spur longer, slender, cylindric, (5-)6-7 mm 2 Eulophia hormusjii
+ Midlobe of labellum purple. Spur shorter, conical-cylindric, 3-4(-5) mm 3 Eulophia dabia
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