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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/20/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/20/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Orch. Linden. 12. 1846
Reference Rchb. f. in Walp. Ann. 6:663. 1863; Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 3:548. 1883.
Synonym Kefersteinia Rchb. f. in Bot. Zeit. 10:633. 1852. Warczewiczella Rchb. f. loc. cit. 635. 1852. Warscewiczella Rchb. f. Xenia Orch. 1:61. 1858. Warszewiczella Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 3:543. 1883.
Description Tufted epiphytic herbs without pseudobulbs. Leaves distichously arranged in the form of an open fan, erect or arching, plicate, lanceolate, acute or acuminate, contracted below into conduplicate petioles. Inflorescences slender, erect, arching or semi-pendulous, 1-flowered, scapose, less than half the length of the leaves, produced from the axils of the lower leaves or bracts. Flowers small to large and conspicuous. Sepals subequal, free, spreading, membranaceous, the dorsal sepal erect, the laterals often retrorse, obliquely inserted on the short column foot. Petals usually spreading, subequal to the dorsal sepal or broader. Lip usually cucullate, obovate, suborbicular or subquadrate, sometimes obscurely or conspicuously 3-lobed, the lateral lobes or margins erect, or the lip explanate and divided into a narrow basal and a broad apical part, contracted at the base and adnate to, or articulated with, the very short column foot, sometimes forming a very short mentum; disk with a broad or narrow, more or less fleshy callus, the apex free and usually denticulate, or rarely with the basal callus conspicuously pedicellate, the apex scutellate. Column semi-terete, slender or broadly clavate above, sometimes narrowly winged, the ventral surface with or without a keel, rarely with a broad, 2-alate plate below the stigma, the base of the column produced into a very short foot. Anther terminal, operculate, incumbent, 1-celled or imperfectly 2-celled; pollinia 4, waxy.
Key a. Lip explanate, subpandurate, never concave or cucullate, divided into narrower basal and broader apical parts .................................................... 1. C. AROMATICA aa. Lip concave or cucullate, entire or 3-lobed, suborbicular or obovate when spread out. b. Lip entire when spread out. (See also alternate bb) c. Flowers small; lip 1.2 cm. long or less. d. Basal callus conspicuously pedicellate, the apex 2-scutellate ...... 3. C. COSTARICENSIS dd. Basal callus sessile, the free apex bifid ............................................ 5. C. LACTEA cc. Flowers relatively large and conspicuous; lip 2.5 cm. long or more. d. Lateral margins of the basal callus erect, thickened, and con- fluent with the erect incurving lateral margins of the lip. Low- land species ...... ......................................................... 6. C. MARGINATA dd. Lateral margins of the basal callus not erect, not thickened, nor confluent with the incurving lateral margins of the lip. High- land species. e. Basal callus linear, the free apex bifid ........................................ 2. C. CALOGLOSSA ee. Basal callus radiate, digitate, the free projecting apex with 5-7 elongate teeth of unequal length ........................................ 4. C. DISCOLOR bb. Lip obscurely or conspicuously 3-lobed when spread out, 2.5 cm. long or more. c. Lateral margins of the basal callus erect, thickened, and confluent with the erect incurving lateral margins of the lip. Lowland species ............................... 6. C. MARGINATA cc. Lateral margins of the basal callus not erect, not thickened, nor confluent with the erect incurving lateral margins of the lip. Highland species. d. Basal callus linear, with a free bifid apex ...................................... 2. C. CALOGLOSSA dd. Basal callus radiate, digitate, the free projecting apex with 5-7 elongate teeth of unequal length ........................... 4. C. DISCOLOR
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