The genus Coleus was treated as a synonym of Plectranthus in Fl. Madagasc., however recent molecular work have should this grouping to be polyphyletic and Coleus has now been resurrected.
In addition to the published species, Hedge et al. (1998), discussed several probable new species or inadequately known species; work is currently underway to delimit and publish several new species. Also mentioned was the widely cultivated P. rotundifolius (Poir.) Spreng. since it was supposedly introduced into cultivation in Mauritius from Madagascar. However, there are no specimens of this species known from Madagascar, and no suggestion that it is either indigenous or naturalized there. They also list 4 species that are known to be cultivated in Madagascar as ornamentals, including P. madagascariensis (Pers.) Benth. which is not known to occur naturally in Madagascar. Other species are likely to be found in gardens or homes.