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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 12/18/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 12/18/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Syst. Nat. 2:674 (err. 638). 1767
Reference Mant. P1. 21. 1767
Synonym Adamararn Adans. Fam. 2:445. 1763, proparte excl. Hort. Malab. 4: t. 5. 1682. Panel Adans. loc. cit. 447. 1763, pro parte quoad Hort. Malab. 4: t. IO. 1682. Myrobalanif era Houtt. Handleid. PI. Kruidk. 2:48 5. t. IO, fig. 2. 1774. Tanibouca Aubl. PI. Guian. 1:448. t. I78. 1775. Pamea Aubl. loc. cit. 2:946. t. 359. 1775. Kniphofia Scop. Introd. Hist. Nat. 327. 1777. Aristotelia Comm. ex Lam. Dict. Encycl. Bot. 1:349. 1783. Resinaria Comm. ex Lam., loc. cit. 1783. Chuncoa Pav. ex Juss. Gen. PI. 76. 1789. Badamia Gaertn. Fruct. 2:90. t. 97, fig. I. 1791. Myrobalanus Gaertn. loc. cit. fig. 2. 1791. Catappa Gaertn. loc. cit. 206. t. 127. 1791. Gimbernatea Ruiz & Pav. Prodr. 138. t. 36. 1794. Fatraea Juss. in Ann. Mus. Par. 5:223. 1804. Pentaptera Roxb. [Hort. Beng. 34. 1814 nom. nud.] Fl. Ind. 2:437. 1832. Vicentia Allem. PI. Nov. Bras. cum tab. 1844. Chichharronia A. Rich. Ess. Fl. Cub. 529. t. 43. 1845.
Description Trees, sometimes of great stature, frequently buttressed, rarely shrubs, branch- ing often sympodial. Leaves usually spirally arranged, often crowded in pseudo- whorls at the ends of the branchlets, usually petiolate, entire, often minutely verruculose and pellucid-punctate, often with domatia, frequently with two or more glands at or near the base of the lamina or on the petiole. Flowers actino- morphic, 5-merous (rarely 4-merous) usually in axillary spikes with staminate flowers towards the apex and perfect flowers towards the base of the spike, or all perfect, more rarely in terminal or terminal and axillary panicles; staminate flowers stalked, stalks resembling pedicels but equivalent to the lower receptacle with abortion of the ovary; perfect sessile. Receptacle divided into a lower part (lower receptacle) enclosing and adnate to the ovary and often narrowed above it, and an upper part, often scarcely developed, expanded into a shallow cup terminating in the calyx-lobes. Calyx-lobes deltoid, ovate or triangular. Petals absent. Stamens usually 10, exserted; anthers dorsifixed, versatile. Disk intra-staminal, usually pilose or barbate, sometimes glabrous or poorly developed. Style simple, free, exserted. Ovary completely inferior, unilocular with 2 (rarely 3-4) pendulous ovules of which only one develops. Fruit (pseudocarp) very variable in size and shape, often fleshy and drupe-like, sometimes dry and leathery or corky, often 2- to 5-winged, usually with the endocarp at least partially sclerenchymatous (thus distinguishing it from Combretum).
Distribution About 200 species throughout the tropics.
Note In addition to the two species listed below, T. catappa L., an Asiatic and Poly- nesian species with large obovate leaves and drupaceous fruits, is commonly planted.
Key a. Leaves obovate and abruptly acuminate. Fruit 5-winged, two wings transversely elongated and much longer than the others ............................. 1. T. AMAZONIA aa. Leaves elliptic. Fruit with 2 broad lateral and 1 inconspicuous carinate adaxial wings .......................................................... 2. T. CHIRIQUENSIS
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