We retain this genus for the present due to uncertainty about the affinities of its only described sp. Kruijt 1996 included it in Sapium, but Malecot (pers. comm.) has suggested that it is better placed in Excoecaria. Radcliffe-Smith (2001) mentions that there are 2 additional undescribed spp, one of which appears to be referable to Excoecaria glaucescens, and a manuscript names (E. pseudoconosapium) has been provided by Malecot (annotations on specimens at P) for the other. Malecot has also annotated C. madagascariensis with a new name (E. conosapium), but these manuscript names are not yet validly published. Note that the combination Excoecaria madagascariensis already exists but refers to a different species. Malecot is continuing work on this group.