Plants with C4 photosynthesis, annual (perennial
elsewhere), sometimes with stolons, forming clumps. Flowering stems usually
spreading in the basal portion and rooting at the lower nodes, the tips
ascending, glabrous or hairy at the nodes. Leaf sheaths, at least the lowermost
ones, hairy, especially along the margins, the ligule a minute membrane with a
fringe of hairs along the margin. Leaf blades usually flat, glabrous or hairy,
sometimes hairy only at the base, the base rounded or abruptly narrowed.
Inflorescences panicles with the primary branches usually unbranched,
consisting of somewhat or strongly 1‑sided, spikelike racemes, these with
a spikelet at the tip (a thickened, cuplike base remaining after the spikelet
disarticulates). Spikelets 4–6 mm long, not subtended by bristles or spines,
disarticulating below the glumes, without a cuplike ring or knoblike disk at the
base. Lower glume ovate, partially wrapped around the spikelet base, awnless, 5‑
or 7‑nerved, glabrous. Upper glume about as long as the rest of the
spikelet, elliptic‑ovate, not inflated, bluntly to sharply pointed at the
tip, awnless, 5‑nerved, glabrous or somewhat hairy toward the margins.
Lowermost floret sterile or staminate, the lemma about as long as the rest of
the spikelet, elliptic‑ovate, sharply pointed at the tip, awnless, 5‑nerved,
glabrous or hairy. Fertile floret with the lemma elliptic to elliptic‑ovate,
rounded or pointed at the tip, sometimes with a small, sharp, hornlike point,
the tip not differentiated from the body, awnless, nerveless or obscurely
nerved, glabrous, shiny, with noticeable, fine cross‑wrinkles, thickened
and relatively hard (usually somewhat bonelike) at maturity, the margins not
thinner or lighter colored, noticeably wrapped around the palea and fruit,
usually enclosing the palea tip (after flowering). Paleas glabrous, slightly
shorter than and similar in texture to the lemma. Fruits oblong‑elliptic
in outline. One hundred to 110 species, nearly worldwide, mostly in tropical
and warm‑temperate regions.
For a discussion of generic limits in Urochloa and
the closely related Brachiaria, see the treatment of that genus.