2. Aureolaria
Raf. (false foxglove)
Plants annual or
perennial herbs, hemiparasitic, green or dark green, sometimes purplish-tinged,
sometimes blackening upon drying. Stems erect or ascending, usually with
several to many branches, rounded or bluntly 4-angled, glabrous (then often
somewhat glaucous) or densely pubescent with glandular or nonglandular hairs,
not roughened to the touch. Leaves opposite, sessile or short-petiolate, the
petioles usually winged, sometimes nearly to the base. Leaf blades lanceolate
to ovate in outline, more or less unlobed to deeply 1 or 2 times pinnately
lobed or divided, the margins otherwise entire or toothed. Inflorescences open,
terminal racemes with leafy bracts (these reduced progressively toward the axis
tip), the flowers paired at the nodes, usually appearing as axillary flowers
toward the stem tip, variously short-stalked to moderately long-stalked, the
stalks somewhat thickened toward the tips, lacking bractlets. Cleistogamous
flowers absent. Calyces 5-lobed, slightly to moderately zygomorphic,
bell-shaped, the lobes slightly shorter than to longer than the tube, entire to
toothed or lobed, persistent, becoming distended and slightly enlarged at
fruiting. Corollas 30–60 mm long, 5-lobed, more or less bell-shaped, yellow,
the tube somewhat curved or oblique, sparsely to densely short-hairy on the
inner surface, the hairs not blocking the throat, the lobes shorter than the
tube, spreading, their surfaces glabrous or glandular-hairy, hairy along the
margins, the throat (also the outer surface of the tube) sometimes tinged with
brownish markings. Stamens with the filaments of 2 lengths, hairy (at least
toward the base), the anthers with 2 sacs, these more or less parallel, tapered
to an awnlike base, light yellow to yellow, hairy. Style somewhat curved
downward and often slightly exserted, the stigma club-shaped to more or less
capitate, unlobed. Fruits 9–20 mm long, ovoid or ellipsoid, glabrous at
maturity or glandular-hairy. Seeds 0.8–2.7 mm long, ellipsoid to
oblong-ellipsoid or more or less trapezoid, usually slightly flattened, the
surface with a fine to coarse network of ridges and pits, the ridges sometimes
appearing winglike, brown to dark brown or black. Nine to 11 species, eastern
U.S., Canada, Mexico.
The taxonomy of Aureolaria
is in need of thorough revision. Pennell (1928) recognized eleven species, with
most of the more widespread ones subdivided into a complex series of
infraspecific taxa. Since then, there has been no comprehensive study of the
systematics of the genus. However, some authors working on regional floras have
eliminated some of the less widely distributed species or reduced these to
infraspecific taxa under more widespread relatives. The treatment below is thus
very preliminary, pending future studies.
(1963) and many other authors also chose to treat this genus under the name Gerardia
L. For further discussion, see the treatment of Agalinis above.
Species of Aureolaria
have been documented to parasitize the roots of a number of woody species,
including both pines and hardwoods, but have been documented most commonly on
the roots of oaks (Quercus, Fagaceae) (Musselman and Mann, 1978; Werth
and Riopel, 1979). The large, relatively open-throated flowers of Aureolaria
are pollinated mainly by bumblebees (C. R. Robertson, 1891; Pennell, 1935).
Ballard and Pippen (1991) documented a sterile putative hybrid between A.
pectinata (as A. pedicularia) and A. flava in southern
Michigan. Previously, Bell and Musselman (1982) had studied the breeding system
and potential for hybridization among four Aureolaria species in
Virginia. They found that interspecific hybrids among the perennial, obligately
outcrossing species were generally fairly fertile. However, when pollen from
the self-compatible annual or biennial A. pectinata (as A.
pedicularia) was placed on the stigmas of perennial species, the crosses
failed and when pollen from the perennial species served as pollen parents in
crosses with A. pectinata, the resultant hybrid offspring had relatively
low fertility. Although natural hybrids involving A. pectinata should be
searched for in Missouri, they are likely to be very uncommon. Conversely, the
degree of interspecific hybridization between A. flava and A.
grandiflora has not been studied and may be relatively frequent. It may
account for some of the patterns of pubescence and variation in leaf morphology
exhibited by these two species. Members of the genus are mostly pollinated by