(Last Modified On 3/13/2013)
(Last Modified On 3/13/2013)
Dichapetalum Thouars
Gen. Nov. Madag. 23, 1806.
Symphyllanthus Vahl, Skr. Nat. Selsk. Kj0b. 6: 86, 1810.
Trees or shrubs, erect or scandent. Leaves petiolate, the paired stipules linear or narrowly lanceolate. Inflorescences often laxly cymose-corymbose, few- or usually many-flowered, arising from axils of upper leaves or rarely terminal. Flowers regular, mostly white, short-pedicellate; sepals usually distinct, more or less equal; petals distinct, equal; stamens usually fertile, distinct, more or less equal, the anthers broadly oblong; disk glands 5, opposite the petals or connate into a sinuate disk. Drupe coriaceous with 1, rarely 2, seeds.
Trees shrubs
About 100 species in the tropics and subtropics, some of which in Africa are poisonous.
Lundell (Wrightia 3: 173-176, 1966)
five species from Mexico and Central America with two in Panama.
a. Tree to 9 m; leaf blades oblong to oblanceolate, widest to 5 cm, the margins glabrate; petioles and young branches pilose with hairs less than 1 mm long and appressed; disk glands short and nob-like; petals bifid by ca 1/4 length; styles 3, partially connate; drupe to 3.5 cm long, white-tomentulose ---- 1. D. axillare aa. Shrub to 2.5 m; leaf blades linear-oblong, widest to 3 cm; blade margins, petioles and young branches velutinous-pilose, with stiff hairs ca 2 mm long and spreading; disk glands elongate; petals bibbed by more than 1/2 length; styles 2, distinct; drupe to 1.5 cm long, brown-tomentulose .... 2. D. nevermannianum
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