Annual or perennial, erect or prostrate, pilose or glabrescent herbs. Leaves lyrate–pinnatifid or entire. Capitula small, disciform, globose, heterogamous, in laxly corymbose–paniculate synflorscence. Involucre patelliform, phyllaries 1–2–seriate, subequal with narrow scarious margins. Receptacle swollen, alveolate, epaleate. Ray florets many–seriate, female, tubular, white or yellow, greenish or purplish, ligule cylindric, funnel shaped or campanulate, 2–3–lobed. Disc florets bisexual, tubular, 4–5 lobed, yellow or reddish. Anthers ecaudate. Cypselas obovoid, compressed, glabrous, sometimes basally and apically glandular, strongly 2–ribbed. Pappus absent or of disc florets with small dentate rim or sometimes with few caducous bristles.
A small genus with about 4 species, distributed in tropical Asia, Africa, Madagascar, naturalized elsewhere. In Pakistan genus is represented by the following species.