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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/4/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/4/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Bot. Reg. 7: sub t. 573. 1821
Reference Lindl. Gen. & Spec. Orch. Pl. 249. 1833; Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 3:520. 1883.
Synonym Ghiesbregbtia A. Rich. & Gal. Ann. Sci. Nat. III, 3:28. 1845.
Description Erect terrestrial, or rarely epiphytic herbs, with leafy or sometimes pseudo- bulbous stems. Leaves few, broadly plicate, with prominent veins. In some of the Old World species the sheathing bases of the leaves envelop the angulate pseudobulbs, the leaf blades becoming deciduous at the end of the season's growth, while in other species the leaves persist for more than one year, with the pseudo- bulbs much reduced in size or entirely absent. In the single species known to occur in Panama, the two broadly plicate leaves are contracted below into a sheath- ing petiole arising directly from the rhizome and without any enclosed pseudobulb. Inflorescences erect, many-flowered racemes, equaling or exceeding the leaves in length, the basal portions enveloped by the sheathing leaf bases. Flowers small, on slender pedicels, subtended by linear bracts. Sepals free, subequal, spreading. Petals similar to the sepals or smaller. Lip 3-lobed, prolonged at the base into a spur, the claw of the lip connate to the column. Column short, erect, broadly winged at the apex, the base without a foot. Anther subterminal, operculate, in- cumbent, 2-celled; pollinia 8, waxy, elongate-pyriform, in groups of 4 in each cell of the anther.
Note A large genus of the Old World tropics, widely distributed in Africa, Asia and Oceania, with a single species in Central America and the West Indies. It is particularly desired to acknowledge the cooperation of Professor Oakes Ames of the Botanical Museum of Harvard University in affording the writer the unrestricted use of the Ames Orchid Herbarium and Library. The excellent illustrations by Mrs. Blanche Ames and by Mr. Gordon W. Dillon, used throughout the text, would not have been available without Professor Ames' permission. It is also desired to mention the active cooperation of Dr. Louis 0. Williams in providing prompt determinations during the long period of field work in Panama, and, more recently, the very generous help of Mr. Charles Schweinfurth in the solving of many of the critical problems in the course of the preparation of the manuscript.
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