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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/13/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/13/2013)
PlaceOfPublication K. Sv. Vet.-akad. Handl. 1756: 249. 1756(?).
Synonym Soramia Aubl., Hist. P1. Gui. Fr. 552, t. 219. 1775. Calinea Aubl., loc. cit. 556, t. 221. Tigarea Aubl., loc. cit. 917, t. 350. Rhinium Schreb. in L., Gen. PI. ed. 8, 701. 1791. Mappia Schreb. loc. cit. 806, non Jacq. (1797). Othlis Schott ex Spreng. in L., Syst. Veg. ed. 16, 4(2): 407. 1827. Pinzona Mart. & Zucc., Akad. Wiss. Munich, Math.-Naturwiss. Abt., Abhandl. 1: 371. 1832. Ricaurtea Triana, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 4, 9: 47. 1858.
Description Lianas or scandent shrubs. Leaves alternate, smooth, pubescent with simple hairs only, the petioles canaliculate, narrowly alate. Inflorescences axillary, ob- scurely glomerulate. Flowers perfect, actinomorphic; sepals 3-6, mostly 5, caducous; stamens indefinite, persistent, the filaments free, filiform, the anthers longitudinally dehiscent, 2-thecate, the thecae parallel or basally divergent, about half sunken into the dilated connective; carpels 1, rarely 2, globose, the ovules 2, erect, basal, the styles filiform, the stigmas simple to peltate. Fruit berry-like or follicular and dehiscent along the ventral suture across the apex, each carpel maturing 2, rarely 1 seeds; seeds smooth, arillate, the aril more or less entire, surrounding the seed at maturity, the embryo small.
Habit Lianas shrubs
Distribution Several species in the American tropics.
Key a. Ovary and fruit pubescent, the style 4-8 mm long, sometimes exceeding the sepals; sepals sericeous within. b. Leaves punctate; pedicels 5-20 mm long .----------------------------------------------------------1. D. MAJOR bb. Leaves not punctate; pedicels 2-4 mm long ........................................... 2. D. OLIVACEUS aa. Ovary and fruit glabrous to slightly pubescent, the style 1-2 mm long, not ex- ceeding the sepals; sepals glabrous to slightly pubescent within. c. Inflorescence glomerulate; petioles 5-15 mm long -------------------------------- 3. D. DENTATUS cc. Inflorescence in fascicles of few-flowered cincinni; petioles 20-30 mm long -................-...-.-..........-..-.....-.-....... 4. D. GUIANENSIS
Note Doliocarpus coriaceus (Mart. & Zucc.) Gilg, with which the Antillean D. callineoides (Eichl.) Gilg is synonymous, has been collected in Nicaragua and Guatemala and may occur in Panama. It is easily distinguished by its bicarpellate ovary and its paniculate inflorescence.
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