(Last Modified On 3/13/2013)
(Last Modified On 3/13/2013)
Lianas, shrubs or trees, often copiously pubescent or scabrous. Leaves alternate, petiolate, simple, frequently coriaceous, penninerved, estipulate. Inflorescences thyrsiform, paniculiform or obscurely glomerulate. Flowers hypogynous, perfect or unisexual, actinomorphic, the sepals 3-7, frequently 5, the petals 2-6, yellow, white or rarely pinkish, usually emarginate or incised, often somewhat crumpled in the bud, caducous (except in Saurauia), the stamens indefinite, free or fused at the base (adnate to the corolla in Saurauia), the anthers basifixed and longitudinally dehiscent, or bifurcate, versatile and basally dehiscent by rimiform pores, the carpels 1-5, free to fused, the ovules 1 to several, anatropous, basal, and erect (numerous and axile in Saurauia), the styles free, as many as the carpels, the stigmas apical, simple to capitate or peltate. Fruits follicular to baccate, the seeds 1-co, arillate (nonarillate in Saurauia), embedded in copious mealy or fleshy en- dosperm.
Lianas shrubs
a. Lianas or scandent shrubs (except the often arborescent Curatella); petals free, caducous; stamens free to basally fused, the anthers longitudinally dehiscent, the thecae completely adnate to, the thickened connective; carpels 1-5, free or basally fused; fruits usually dehiscent, the seeds large, few, smooth, arillate; tri- chomes simple and stellate, multicellular hairs lacking. b. Leaves scabrous; flowers unisexual; carpels pyriform, 1-5, the ovules several per carpel; follicles dehiscing ventrally; seeds 1-few, the aril lacerate, uni- lateral and about half enveloping the seed ................................ ....... 1. TETRACERA bb. Leaves scabrous or smooth; flowers perfect; carpels globose, 1-2, the ovules 2; seeds 1-2, the aril essentially entire, nearly enveloping the seed. c. Sepals unequal, the inner 2 accrescent and enclosing the usually per- sistent stamens in fruit; fruit irregularly dehiscent, 1-seeded .. 2. DAVILLA cc. Sepals nearly equal, not enclosing the usually persistent stamens in fruit; fruit dehiscing longitudinally across the apex, the carpels each with 2, rarely 1 seed. d. Small trees or shrubs; leaves stellate-pubescent on both sides, scabrous; inflorescence diffusely paniculiform; carpels 2 . 3. CURATELLA dd. Lianas and scandent shrubs; leaves glabrous or pubescent with simple hairs, smooth; inflorescence obscurely glomerulate; carpels 1 . .- .------- ..-.- .---.----.-.-4. DOLIOCARPUS aa. Trees and shrubs; petals connate at the base, falling as a unit with the stamens; anthers versatile, dehiscent by rimiform pores, the locules free from the connec- tive except at the apex; carpels fused, the styles free; fruit baccate, the seeds small, many, areolate, nonarillate; trichomes multicellular, stellate and simple ................................................ 5. SAURAUIA
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