(Last Modified On 10/25/2012)
(Last Modified On 10/25/2012)
Sp. P1. 968. 1753.
Plants terrestrial, usually large, arising from hypogean tubers; leaf one, the petiole very long, vaginate only at the base, often tuberculate and maculate, the blade deeply 3-parted, the segments 2- to 3-parted and again pinnately parted; peduncle short, at least during anthesis; spathe oblong, cuspidate-acuminate, con- volute below, open above, persistent; spadix short-stipitate, short-cylindric, free, densely many-flowered, much shorter than the spathe; flowers perfect, perigoniate; sepals 4-8, biseriate, dilated toward the apex and fornicate, irregularly imbricate; stamens 4-6, biseriate, the filaments slightly dilated, subcompressed, abruptly contracted at the apex into the connective; anthers much longer than the connec- tive, linear-elliptic, dehiscent by a vertical slit; ovary ovoid, incompletely 2- to 5-celled, attenuate to the elongate style; ovules solitary; stigmas small, 2- to 5- parted; fruit baccate, surrounded by the perianth, obscurely 2- to 5-lobate; seeds rounded-reniform, somewhat compressed.
About 10 species are known, in tropical America. Three are known from Central America.
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