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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/28/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/28/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Syst. ed. 10. 1058. 1759.
Synonym Squibbia Raf. New Fl. 4:16. 1838. Diplochonium Fenzl, Nov. Stirp. Dec. 57. 1839. Pyxipoma Fenzl, in Ann. Wien Mus. 2:293. 1839. Psanmmanthe Hance, in Walp. Ann. 2:659. 1852. Halimus 0. Ktze. Rev. Gen. 1:263. 1891.
Description Herbaceous or suffruticose plants, upright or prostrate, sparsely branched. Leaves simple, opposite, more or less equal, fleshy, generally linear, elliptic or narrowly obovate, the petioles clasping or connate and surrounding the stem; estipulate. Inflorescence axillary or rarely terminal, glomerules or the flowers solitary. Flowers bisexual, sessile or pedicellate. Perianth 5-parted, connate below, the lobes generally appendaged on the outer surface beneath the apex, imbricate. Stamens 5, free and alternitepalous, or numerous, and inserted on the perianth tube. Ovary superior, 3- to 5-loculate, the ovules campylotropous, many on the axile placenta, the styles 3 to 5. Capsule circumscissile; seeds numerous, reniform, the testa smooth, estrophiolate.
Habit Herb
Distribution Six to eight species, tropical and subtropical strand plants of both hemispheres.
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