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Published In: Journal für die Botanik 1800(1): 307. 1801. (J. Bot. (Schrader)) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
General/Distribution : About 10 species, mainly Saharo-Arabian and Irano-Turanian, represented by 5 species in Pakistan.


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Similar to Bassia but flowers neither hidden in hairs nor fruiting perianth spiny or tubercled, often with a short flat wing on the back of ± coriaceous fruiting perianth segments.

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1 Leaves linear to lanceolate or oblong, usually not exceeding more than 2 cm in length; plants whitish - or glaucous. (2)
+ Leaves filiform-linear, up to 5 cm (at least some up to 3 cm) long, greenish (cultivated as ornamental). 5 Kochia scoparia
2 (1) Annual, branches many from the stem spreading, flexuos, elongated; fruiting perianth often shortly winged; leaves lanceolate, greenish. (3)
+ Perennial; many simple or unbranched stems from the base (rootstock) not flexuose; whitish in appearance. 1 Kochia prostrata
3 (2) Leaves ± condensed oblong-linear, whitish, softly pubescent; flower-clusters crowded. (4)
+ Leaves distant, greenish, linear-lanceolate; flower-clusters scattered, distant. 2 Kochia indica
4 (3) Perianth segments ± orbicular with erose margin. 3 Kochia iranica
+ Perianth segments rhombic, narrowed at base, not erose on margin. 4 Kochia stellaris
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